Why Was You In Your Underwear

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Alvin's POV He just asked me why am I in my underwear, Um well we were doing something called uhh I can't tell you I didn't learn until I was 11 (I learnt it at 11but some people at 13 I done the other half at 13 as well also at college) your only five six in a week you'll understand in 5 years .Ok he said so we put him in his own bed and we said this thing we did also involves getting pregnant and having a new baby brother or sister. He just said ok but he was complaining about his head still I gave him a kiss on the forehead and we left the room. We got back in bed she went back in that sexy position she was in and grabbed her phone and said maybe next we can do it she said and taken a picture of herself, then I sneakily got up and sat back on her butt and shown a cheeky smile, I started jumping again she said alright but don't wake him up or else we are dead so I stopped jumping and kissed her neck then I was going back and forth up her butt I was just up and down ect. She said why are you so in love with my butt I said idk and tbh I want some more go on then she said so i kept on doing it for about an hour or 2 then we got a phone call she answered It was a free hotel and babysitter so they can have their alone time, they couldn't say no.

Sorry short chapter but I'll get the next one asap I have some college work assigned on the device I am using but I will get it done I'll give you a surprise.

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