Telling Our Siblings

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So we drove home, I was worrying so much on the drive home what would they think? Never mind we have to. We walked into the living room and everyone was on their phones Theodore finally spoke up, About time where have you two been? Hospital Alvin said. Everyone in unison shouted WHAT. And we found out Britt and I are going to be Parents! Alvin your telling me and Theodore we are going to be, Uncles? Well last time I checked it was like that. Alvin said sarcastically. So does that mean we are going to be aunts? Jeanette and Eleanor Squealed. Yep Brittany said anxiously. This is going to be amazing they all said. Do you know the gender yet? Simon asked. Yes Brittany said shyly . Let me guess stated Theodore , Girl. Alvin spoke up, Nope it's a boy! Everyone was silent until Eleanor broke the silence and squealed Yes. 9 months past Brittany was getting ready to go into labour, Can she handle it asked Alvin. Of course she can Britt is a tough girl. Jeanette said .But she is 21, 22 in a week it's pretty young. Most women go through it Alvin around now but don't count me on this said Simon. Then before Alvin could argue back, Brittany groaned in a painful way Alvin had something to look forward to.

Another cliff hanger I know but I'll do it as fast as possible

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