True Blue

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The plane was ready to board and the business class was already settled inside and half full with young promising entrepreneurs and old, pespiring fortuned couples. The stewardess was serving complementary refreshments and salted peanuts.
-« Here you are, do you wish to add anything on today's menu, Sir? » I was searching in my vanity for an extra layer of moisturizing cream.
-« No, thanks! Do you happen to have vegetarian courses, please? » I finally found what I was looking for and lifted my shaded face to the patient stewardess.
-« We sure do. Do you need an extra menu, Sir? » I restrained myself from taking off my shades and felt privileged for my eyes to be just at the right level.
The stewardess smiled and blushed once she recognized her special customer.
-« There's no need. I already checked and I'll have the Asparagus Pastry Twists and a exotic Baba minus the rum, Vivian. » I smiled while catching her name tag.
-« Of course, anything to drink?» She was so happy to hear her name called by one of most talented musicians that ever walked the earth.
- « Just a Perrier Rondelle, no ice, thanks. » I pressed the backward rear button of my reclining chair.
- « Sure. No problem. I'll be right back. Seat back, relax and enjoy your flight. » Vivian rolled her bar to her next demanding customers.
I took out my annotated note pad and started to write again. These vacations had been very good so far and my relationship with Carla had taken another step. This short trip back to Paisley Park was necessary to sign the contracts for my upcoming projects and do some back-ups for other pending side projects. Remastering and editing was on my schedule and a couple of sleepless nights were already planned to finish a few tracks. I put on Purple sleeping eye mask, looked over my shoulder to check if Gilbert was still awake to check my surroundings and saw that Vivian was still doing her rounds to make sure everyone was ready for take off. It was the best time for a catnap before enjoying my 5-star meal.
In the middle of my daydreaming I felt a hand softly squeezing my relaxed shoulder. I slowly took off my eye mask making sure not to mess up my make up.
-« Sir, dinner is served. Enjoy! » Vivian gave me a warm smile.
-« Thanks, Vivian. I'm famished. » I started to eat while discretely observing my neighbors behind my DG shades.
The seat belt sign had been turned off and Gilbert was now standing right behind me for the whole time I needed to eat.

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I really enjoyed this airline for the quality of the customer service and the high standard international food they provided while flying

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I really enjoyed this airline for the quality of the customer service and the high standard international food they provided while flying. I was content haven't been reluctant to take this red eye knowing how well I would be taken care of.
The flight was still 3 hours long and I knew I was going to feel when I will get off the plane. Carla would be the first one I would ring. Those big empty walls and rooms could easily give me the blues or spark my imagination once I set foot on my property. I just needed to sense the temperature and vibe.

Carla on the other side of the tail was long gone to bed. She had been practicing all day with her new group. She loved the whole ambiance and the people seemed very welcoming. She had noticed a couple of talented dancers who had graduated or dropped out of Juilliard. They had great backgrounds and personalities of their own. She knew they could make great teachers or even awesome professional and independent dancers but it was all up to them. She wouldn't have been able to hop on the plane with Prince anyway even if she really wanted to. She had already gave her word to help and replace the dance teacher who had left unnoticed for the rest of the season until the final gala. She was happy to have her whole summer finally figured out and Prince was the cherry on top.

So much time had passed since Carla's last serious relationship

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So much time had passed since Carla's last serious relationship. She had to let go many of her previous ideas and misconceptions about what a « normal » couple should really be or look like. She did not care anymore. The only things she was concerned about was if the love was mutual and the respect of each other's space, time and life interests were well defined. She had decided to start anew for so long. That's why she had called Auntie Nookie for support. Her mom's sister was the only person she ever fully trusted and really involved in her personal and professional life.
Teaching was on her transformation wish list so she was glad to enjoy what she already had. She had promised herself to make the best of her new routine and hoped nothing would interfere with her decisions. Yoga and meditation had become her best bet and companion to reshape her mentally and physically. Her last injury required too much therapy and going back and forth to the doctor's had making more nervous than relieved.
Carla was early in her delta sleep, she could still figure out her phone ringing in the distance. She didn't want to answer but deep inside she knew who it was and wouldn't want him to think she could ignore him. She groaned, rolled on her back, stretched her sleepy arm and picked up the phone.
-« Hey!? » Prince had landed.
-« Uh-huh. » Carla was not ready to talk yet.
-« I made it home. » Prince was happy to hear her voice.
-« Good...» It was almost impossible for Carla to focus on their conversation. She felt sore in her muscles and needed to rest.
-« I miss you. » Prince hoped to spark some kind of emotions.
-« Likewise... » Carla had turned on her left side, the receiver free from her hands in equilibrium over her right ear.
-« Did you have a good day? » Prince pushed it a little further.
-« Ye...ahh, exhausting... » Carla managed to check the time on the radio clock.
2:45 AM. What was normal for Prince was out of the ordinary for many others. She was sure she heard him strumming his acoustic guitar.
-« I have to finish up some songs but I need an allegory. » Prince was an unquestionable redeemer.
Aren't we always trying to "read" people and understand them? We're all sleuths in our own right, trying to make sense of the world around us. The arts simply act as another envoy to life's intrigues.
Carla breathed in and out deeply and remembered a biblical scripture which she had studied a long time ago while attending Sunday school.
Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2 Verse 7. » Carla was ready to fall back into Morpheus's arms.
-« Wow, good shot, Baby! Now I have something deep to think and write about. Thank you!»
-« Anytime...» It was Carla's last call.
- « True Love
You're the one I'm dreaming of
Your heart fits me like a glove
And I'm gonna be true blue
Baby, I love you... » Prince thought that this Madonna's chorus from back in the day was quite fitting.
-« I love you too...Goodnight... » Carla slowly put the receiver back on its base baby smiling.

35 Candles - The Sequel of « **Dancing on a Purple Cloud ** »Where stories live. Discover now