Chapter 2

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Becky stared at her father. "I hate you!" She screamed at her father. The King laughed. He slapped her. "Do you want me to kill you like I killed your mother?" The King asked Becky. Tears started to roll down her face. "If you had just killed that stupid human you would be the queen!" He exclaimed.

Oreo stared at the guard. He closed his eyes. He went into a meditation. His chains on his hands broke. "How-" The guard said but he was interrupted. "Magic," Oreo said. The guard took his sword and placed it by Oreo's neck. Oreo's katana came flying toward him, stabbing the guard. Oreo grabbed his katana and ran outside of the room Becky was in.

Becky closed her eyes as her father pointed his crossbow at her. Oreo opened the door. The King shot Becky. "BECKY!" Oreo yelled. The King smiled and left the room. Oreo ran to Becky. "Oreo, leave. Leave the kingdom! Start a new life somewhere else," Becky said with tears.

"I won't leave you!" Oreo said. "Please," Becky said barely holding on to life. Oreo started to cry. He started to meditate. Oreo was one of the very few people on that world that could use magic. Oreo opened his eyes. His hands glowed blue. He put his hands over Becky's wound. Becky's entire body started to glow. Her wound healed.

"Thank you Oreo," Becky said, smiling. "You know that planet I told you about?" Oreo asked Becky. "Earth?" She asked. "Yeah! Do you want to go there? We'd be safer and we have friends there," Oreo says. "Sure!" Becky exclaimed. "Well then let's go!"

Oreo opened a portal. "After you, milady," Oreo said. Becky walked through the portal. Oreo smiled and followed her.

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