Chapter 4

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"No!" Oreo yelled, sensing Shadow on that world. "What's wrong?" Nate asked. "Do you remember Shadow?" Oreo asked. "Yeah!" Nate replied. "He's back," Oreo told Nate. Nate was surprised. He remembered when Shadow was their friend. He remembered when he turned evil.

Shadow looked around. He saw a barn and a house. He smelled Oreo. "Here you are!" Shadow exclaimed. Shadow learned to use his magic to sense the things around him. He also can sense where the things are. Shadow walked to the door. He knocked on the door. A woman opened the door.

"Where is he?" Shadow asked. "Who?" She asked. Becky saw Shadow. She recognized him. She had seen him around the castle sometimes back home. "Oreo!" He said. Becky got scared. She saw Shadow's weapons. "Sophie! Close the door!" Becky said.

Sophie closed the door. "What was that about?" She asked Becky. "That guy works for my dad. He can disguise himself as a human. I have no idea why my father would send him though. I'd think he would send my brother, who's an assassin!" Becky replied. Sophie gasped. Becky looked at Sophie and saw an arrow sticking out of her chest. Becky saw that the window they were standing in front of was opened.

"Sophie! Are you okay?" Becky said, panicking. "It hurts!" Sophie said in tears. "It'll be okay!" Becky said. Sophie quickly picked up her phone and called for an ambulance. Mid call she passed out. Becky knew she had to act like a normal pig.

The ambulance arrived and went to the hospital. As soon as she left Becky grabbed a flip phone and dialed the emergency number Oreo gave her her first time on Earth. A man answered. "Hello?" The guy said. "Is this Oreo?" She asked. "Becky?" Oreo said.

Oreo, like Shadow, had a human form too. Oreo was using that form so it was easier to use everyday things. He also used it as a disguise so he could go out and do regular human things. "Oreo! You sound... different," Becky said. "I'm in my human form so my voice is a little different! How are you?" He replied.

"One of my father's guards is here. His name is Shadow," Becky told Oreo. Oreo's human face turned pale. "Shadow? Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" Oreo asked. "I'm okay but Sophie..." Becky said. "What about her?" He asked. "Shadow shot her with an arrow. She's in the hospital," Becky said.

Oreo and Nate walked to Sophie's house. The police had already left the house. Nate closed the door. "Becky!" Oreo exclaimed. He turned back to his normal form. "Oreo!" Becky said. "Let's go see if she's okay!" Oreo exclaimed.

"They won't let a pig in a hospital!" Becky said. "But what if that pig looked like a human?" Oreo said, now in his human form. He turned Becky into a human form. Now she could switch her forms whenever she wanted.

Nate got in the driver seat of his truck. Oreo and Becky got in the bed of the truck. Nate started the truck up and drove to the hospital. Becky was wearing jeans and a pink shirt. In her human form she had long hair put up in a ponytail. She had black shoes and white socks.

She looked in a mirror. Sophie taught her how to put on makeup the last time they were on Earth. She put on some lipstick and the other stuff Sophie taught her to use.

They arrived at the hospital. Shadow, in his human form, was following them. He smiled. "It is time for me to get my revenge," He said to himself. Becky, Oreo, and Nate walked into the hospital. The lights went out. Shadow walked in. "Oreo! Come fight me!" He yelled.

"Chocolate! I know there is still good in you!" Oreo yelled. "Chocolate is gone! I killed him!" Shadow yelled. "He is still in there! I will bring out the good in you!" Oreo replied. "You will try! But I will kill you!" Shadow yelled. A tear rolled down Oreo's cheek. "Come back to me brother! Please!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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