America hosts a party! what do you do?

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You go-
You decide to go with India  And Romania, but in the morning you wake up with your head spinning and Romania by your side.

You go-
You went alone with a map to America's house. You end up getting lost, And having to ask Russia for directions. Both of you go to America's Party

You Dont go-
You felt very sick, and was wondering if China had Corona virus. Libra also stayed at home and took care of you

You go-
You decide to go but only because Canada dragged you here. You had a 'who can drink the Lemonade faster' contest with India, and you won!

You dont go-
You felt pretty tired so you stayed at home. Next morning when you heard about what happened at the party, you felt glad you were home

You go-
You went with Scorpio to Amsrica's house late, only to find the kitchen on fire. You guys call the firefighter but the fire got extinguished by then. Then the firefighter partied with you guys.

You dont go-
Gemini said they were feeling sick so you offered to stay and look after them, with Estonia.

You go-
You walked with Virgo to America's home and find fire! You call the firefighter, but Australia extinguished the fire by that time. Tne firefighter had nothing to do so he also partied

You go-
You, Japan and America decide to too cook something! But unfortunately you made a mistake resulting in fire! It was pretty small though, and a firefighter came and danced with you guys

You dont go-
You already knew the party was gonna be a huge disaster so you were smart and stayed home.

You go-
You go with Italy to America's house. He talked alot about pasta, and you talked about pasta too!. You suggested that Cancer and India should play 'Drink the Lemonade faster' contest, and Cancer won!

You dont go-
Britain is very protective of you, and he didnt want you to go out drinking and stuff. It was fine by you though, and the two of you drank tea and read stories like Father and Child.

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