Chapter One-The beginning

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The year is 2022. The US consitiution was changed by the president. But before I get to all of that, my name is Arabelle Oceane Sanders. I was just an average blue eyed, brown haired, teenager but not anymore.

GR25 is a unground gang-resistance against the new US consitiution. There are about 400,000 of them all over the US, but in my hometown, Chicago, there are about 9,000; which is alot for a city. The GR25 kidnaps people from the ages of 15-50, who can join the resistance.

The new US consitution doesnt allow any freedom. They lock people into their towns. They choose what you wear. They choose what you can or cannot do. And they choose who gets in trouble for what. For intance, officers of the new US, we call them DO's, can abuse whomever and get away with it.

I was a orphan when I was kidnapped just last month. My parents were killled by DO's a few months ago, 2 years after the new US consitution was put into place. They were killed trying to protect me, since a DO wanted to take me away from them.

When the GR25 kidnap you, they put you through training. Kind of like boot camp. To get you stronger, more disicplined etc. Also, to see your strengths and how you can help the operation.

I turned out to be very "weak" as they would say. I couldnt do anything physical really well at all. I lost every fight and the weakest people here could still beat me. One day they sent me out with everyone else and I got attacked, making me a liability to my team. This was only last week. I still had bruises from the stupid attack.

The head GR25 man in charge for this whole city, the big boss, had a meeting with me today. To see how I can be of help to this resistance. This is a big deal because he rarely makes meetings with nobodys like me. I'm afriad they'll lock me up for being sucky at everything.

The older member in my team, was Harley. He was 18 and in charge of me, Randy, John, Dara, and Joe. Randy and Dara were 17. John, 16. Me, just turned 15.

They didnt dislike me, but I could tell they would rather not have me in their group since I'm not a strong member. They all did seem to be getting used to me though. I just stay behind on the outside runs lately. 

Harley came up to my bunker and said, "Come on kiddo, time to meet the big boss." He put a gentle hand on my shoulder, to calm me. He isnt this way with anyone, usually he's really tough, but not to me for some reason.

I frowned, silently following him and trying not to freak out. 

As we walked down the extremely long, metal, underground hallway. I muttered, "Harley? Will they kill me because I'm not useful?"

He shook his head, "No! I wouldnt let that happen. You're just a kid and you did nothing wrong. I'm sure it's going to be okay. I'll be in there with the rest of the guards. Don't worry."

He reminded me of an older brother. I never had an older brother, but if I did, I'd imagine he'd be just like Harley.

We checked into the main room and followed another walkway leading to the meeting office.

Within a few seconds of us showing up, the door opened and we were in the office of the head GR925 of Chicago. His name is Captian Farnes. He was once in the US Air Force as a Captian. He has dusty grey hair that reminded me of my grandfathers and deep brown mean eyes. I've never talked to him one on one before.

In the room, Cpt. Farnes sat on his chair behind his desk, his assistant Elliot beside him, and 4 guards.

As me and Harley walked in, Cpt. Farnes smiled. "Welcome. I'm guessing this is Harley Jones and Arabelle Oceane Sanders, from sector 3, team 11?"

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