Episode: The Treaty

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The Treaty
Previously, on Dragons:
-Berk is in a war with the Beserkers. Hiccup is on the ground, about to be stabbed by Heather, who is now second in command among Beserkers. Hiccup is barely conscious, and can't move. Astrid is too far, so she just yells HICCUP!!! Tuff is running, about to throw Macy but he gets knocked out. Ruff yells TUFF!!! She Beats up guy who knocked him out. Fishlegs screeches "AHHHHH OH NO!" and runs away. Snotlout yells "Coz!!!" He Comes dashing but he is too far... Toothless is tied up, captured with all the other dragons... Astrid cries NOOOO!
Hiccups POV: I guess this is it... I hope everyone knows I love them...
*sword comes down*

Omniscient POV:

Wait... What's that battle cry?

Dagur's POV:

I'd been thinking... And me hating Hiccup is WAY too logical! I said to myself, "Hello? You're Dagur the DERANGED not the LOGICAL!!!" So I decided that I should befriend Hiccup again... Anyway, I smelled blood and I followed it to the middle of this war. Perfect! I love fighting... So then I noticed a Night Fury going down! That must be Hiccup! And then I see the Beserker crest. Heather, my second in charge, is going to PAY for warring without my consent. But this is Perfect- a chance to reunite with Hiccup on a good note! I start running- it wasn't far... And then I hear the blonde one, I think her name is Astrid, yell "HICCUP!!!" I keep running and I see that Snot Hat kid. Well he has no chance of saving Hiccup- he's too far. I then see the glint of a sword coming down towards... Wow, Hiccup has grown!!! Anyway, I let loose my most berserk, deranged cry and dive into the sword, shattering it with my own, superior one. Then I knocked out Heather. All the Beserkers stopped fighting as Dagur yelled "Beserker tribe! Heather has no authority over you! I COMMAND YOU TO STOP FIGHTING AND SAIL HOME!"

Hiccup's POV:

What in the name of Odin??? Was that... Dagur!?! Yeah it was! Dagur the Deranged, once my most bitter foe, just saved my life! Could this day get ANY weirder? Dagur picked me up by my shoulders, shook me and said "HICCUP, OLD FRIEND! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!" I replied, "Yeah, Last time I checked... So what brings you here?" He said, "I smelled blood. So I followed it, saw you and Toothless go down and... Yeah." I asked, "So... Why aren't you trying to kill me, exactly?" He answered, "Well, hating you seemed too logical! So I took the Deranged path and decided to make friends again, brother!" Oh gods. Not the brother thing again. Just then Snotlout burst through the crowd and yelled "DAGURRR!"

Snotlout's POV:

I thought I was about to see my cousin dead, but instead I walk in to Dagur, my childhood role model, explaining to Hiccup something about being deranged. This is awesome! So I yelled, "DAGURRR!!!" He said, "Oh great. I see that your cousin was coming to save you too. Snot... Hat? Is it?" Ugh. Why can't my role model remember my name!?! Oh wait yeah. He's deranged. "It's Snotlout..." I say. Dagur replied, "Oh yeah! Snotlout."

Astrid's POV:

I run up, expecting to see the worst- Hiccup, my fiancé, the person I love most in this world slain by Heather, the person I like the least... Then I see all this. I feel myself falling... I must have fainted from surprise and joy.

Tuffnut's POV:

I was about to throw Macy at that nasty Viking who was gonna kill Hiccup, but somehow everything went black. I could faintly hear Ruffnut crushing skulls. Man. For all her faults, my sister really knows how to smash a skull. I woke up, and remembered something about Hiccup's head about to come off his shoulders. So I ran to where he was... And I see Dagur, Snotlout, and Hiccup talking while the fight rages on. Wow. This is a crazy day. I LOVE IT!!! Then Dagur turned around and looked me straight in the eye. He tried to kill my dragon, and last time I saw him he almost cut off my legs. But then he gave me yak ribs... Mmmmm, yak ribs... Anyway. After he saw me, he yelled "BUFFNUT!"

Dagur's POV:

I just saw Buffnut! Why is he here? So i yell "BUFFNUT, OLD FRIEND! YOU'RE ALIVE TOO!"

Hiccup's POV:

Wow. I have a lot to explain. "Well, Dagur, it turns out Buffnut's real name is Tuffnut and he's not a beserker. He's a hooligan."

Dagur's POV:

Oh. Honestly, I was starting to think about killing Hiccup and taking his Night Fury... But I just learned that Buffnut is a Berkian. Maybe they aren't so awful after all! I mean Buffnut is pretty awesome... But then I remembered Smacking. So I said, "I will make a deal with you Hiccup. If the Beserker tribe were to be the Hooligan's permanent ally, could I get my Skrill back? But here's the catch- NO SMACKING YOUR FOOD! I HATE SMACKING! HATE HATE HATE! MY FATHER USED TO SMACK!"

Hiccup's POV:

Wow... Dagur just said something that made sense! Kind of... So naturally I had to say "Sure! But you have to let me help you train the Skrill, because it will kill you otherwise... brother." Dagur frowned and said "WAIT! I'm starting to make sense! Someone smack me NOW!" Tuffnut said, "I know just the guy for the job... Or in this case girl... RUFF!!!"

Ruffnut's POV:

Dagur the Deranged wants me to smack him. So I smack him, hard. Tuff and I start chuckling, and we bash helmets.
Fishlegs' POV: Why did everyone stop fighting? I better go back and check on that... *3 minutes later* I burst into the scene, expecting to be scarred. All I see is Dagur. I shrieked, "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" And then I fainted.

Snotlout's POV:

Fishlegs just fainted. I mean Astrid did it with style, and she had a reason to. But Fishlegs did because he was scared. I yell, "HAHAHAHAH CHICKENLEGS! FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK!" That must have woken up Astrid, because she started to stir...

Omniscient POV:

I'm not going to go into mushy detail concerning Hiccup and Astrid. Let's just say there was some serious XOXO going on. Then, Astrid saw Heather trying to sit up. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU DIRTY TROLL!" Astrid started beating her with the handle of her axe until Hiccup managed to break them up. He said, "Don't kill her. She has a life of dark, soggy, underfeeding, almost torturous dungeons in front of her. We wouldn't want her to miss out on that!" Just then all the dragons woke up and broke their bonds.

Hiccup's POV:

It's about time out dragons woke up. They've been knocked out for awhile now. I hear "Hookfang! Thank Thor you're Ok!" "Stormfly! I missed you Girl!!!" "Barf! Belch! It's been so long since we blew something up! How about... Fishlegs! Let's blow HIM up!" Poor Fishlegs... He awoke flying through the sky, propelled by a fireball. At least Meatlug caught him. He said "Ohhhh I love you so much girl!" I turned around, and there was Toothless! "Well hey, bud! You up for a ride?" He responded, "Grrrghbrgrh." I hopped on his back, and Dagur did too. Toothless growled, but I said "It's ok bud. He's our friend now." He still didn't like it, but nevertheless he took us home. Dagur was struggling to keep in his lunch, so I couldn't help but laugh. We arrived in about a minute, where we were greeted by all the children. They screamed when they saw Dagur, but I convinced them that he was a friend. Only Mildew kept screaming, so Gobber knocked him out. "That's jest about enough o that old man," he said. We all laughed, including Dagur.

Hiccup's POV:

"This is Berk. Here, we make friends out of our greatest enemies, including Dragons and Beserkers. Of course, we will never befriend Heather... Anyway, Some people will never accept these changes, but most of us understand that you can't have too many friends. I know I couldn't survive without them- could you?"

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