Chapter Two

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It was time, the moment I had waited for since the morning. We were finally here. My eyes were glued to the outside world passing me by in the car, looking for signs of the surprise but I saw nothing.

The car pulled into a driveway and parked. This was it, my new home. I take off my seat belt and open the door to the car letting the warm LA weather take over my body. I stay there for a little bit until I grab the last of our things from the car and begin walking up the driveway to the house.

The closer I got to the house I see a body sitting our porch, at first I was confused by why someone would be at our house already.

"Hello?" I asked loud enough for whoever it was to hear me. Nervous to take another step closer.

The body got up from their spot on the porch and started walking towards me. "Carleigh!!" They said. It took me a few minutes to pin where I heard that voice from. It hit me as I drop the bags from my arms and ran to the house to see my best friend that move when I was in ninth grade. "Kinsleigh!" I yell running into her arms with tears in my eyes. I thought I wouldn't see her again.

We rocked back and forth in each other's arms for a little bit as my mom comes up to us. "Surprise!" She says with a smile on her face.

"How is this possible?" I asked still in shock.

"Well, when I found this house for sale I saw the one across the street was just bought. I took the chance to introduce myself and when they open the door is when I realize it was Callie. I was just as surprised as you were. But it just made me even more excited to move here. We thought it would be so good for you guys to see each other again like the old times." My mother explains to me.

Kinsleigh and I let go of each other and ran inside the house and up to my new room. My room was pretty much all set up except for a few boxes that I didn't put away yet.

"It's so good to see you again Kins." I say plumping down on my room. "You too Car." She states while joining me on the bed.

"What's the latest you have been up to?" I asked her wanting to know what I had missed.

We spent hours catching up with each other. I enjoyed hearing about LA and the cool things it has to offer. But one thing she told me caught my attention.

"Who is Nick? Is he your boyfriend?" I questioned her while giving her a slight smirk and raising my eyebrows.

"Oh god no" she says letting out a laugh before adding, "he's just a good friend I met in school."

"Yeah I'm sure he is." I say with a smile not totally believing her but decide not to push on it.

"I met a lot of great friends since moving here. I can't wait for you to meet them." She said with a bright smile upon her face. I gave her a nervous smile, not really sure how I feel about meeting a bunch of new people right off the back.

She could tell I was nervous by the look on my face and by the next words that came out of her mouth. "Car don't be nervous. I promise you will love them and they will love you too." She assured me.

"Well, if you love them then I'm sure I will" I give her a smile.

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