Rhode island

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I was walking down the hall of are huge house. I mean I guess it was huge  because there were 50 people in it . Oh yeah my name is Rhode island. I'm the smallest of all my siblings. But I would say I'm one of the most mature. When I got down stairs. I saw Florida and Texas looking like they were about to kill each other. But I didn't get to see much cause the next second. Connecticut said to me " welp inst this interesting. Right?" I said " yeah but also pretty normal." Which to which he said " yeah your right they pretty much do this every morning." And then I said a quick "bye." And went off to see South Carolina for some reason. When I got there South Carolina was with here palmetto tree and her dog. When she noticed I was here she said " oh hey Rhode island you scared me a bit." I was giggling but answered " really am I a ghost or something." Then for some reason we both just started laughing. Days are diffent for all the state's but what I know mine are pretty good.

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