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I woke up early this morning. I don't know why though. Oh yeah I'm Cali the best state clearly. This morning I marched over to Nevada's room. When I got there I asked him" hey Nevada I have a great idea. He said" what is this so called great plan of yours." I said"well first of rude and second of I thought we could go somewhere." He said "where are we going." I said " I don't know somewhere like a restaurant." He said "sure why not." So me and Nevada went out to waffle house which was his idea. It was fun then when we get home "oh. My goodness what are you two doing." I hear Delaware say to Texas and Florida. It seemed like most the state's were watching but. Ummm but oh yeah south Carolina and Rhode island. Then Nevada said" We should leave this room." I said"yeah I mean we see this every day anyway." For the rest of the day I just decided to listen to music and watch youtube.

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