Chapter 5

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After catching Glide and Slide, the three of you finally decided to have dinner at Keigo's favorite restaurant. You guys settled in your seat as you waited for your food while admiring the view.


"Woah! Look at that view!" he exclaimed looking outside.


"So, I take it you've never been here, Eijiro-kun?" sipping his green tea.

Your bestfriend turned to look at Keigo still grinning.


"Oh, we have. But not with this view though. The city looks so beautiful from up her!" he returned to look outside marveling at the sight.


"I agree. That's why I always come here." he nodded also looking outside.

The waiters arrived with you're food and placed it on your table.


"Oh! Before I forgot, Baby Bird." he turned to you as the waiter's placed your food in front of you.


"Hmm? What is it?" you responded without looking at your foster brother. 

The food in front of you looked very delicious that you couldn't take your eyes off of it, you were practically drooling.


"Dad called last Saturday and he was thinking of having a party for his birthday next week. He said that there's an important announcement he wanted to make," he said propping his head on his hand looking at you.


"Announcement? Did he tell you what it's about?" you asked picking up your chopsticks.

He shrugged his shoulders as he picked up a Yakitori before answering you.


"No. That's all he said to me, nothing else. Oh, you can bring Eijiro-kun too. Dad said we can bring a plus one." motioning to your bestfriend.


"Thank you for the invitation," he smiled with his mouth full as he started to eat.


"Hmmm, I wonder what it's about. I guess I'll give him a call when we get back." you also began to eat.

The three of you continued to eat in a comfortable silence, enjoying your food, when you suddenly remembered what happened last week.


"Oh, that's right! Onii-chan, have you seen the latest news about me and Eijiro?"


"Hmmm? The one where Eijiro-kun got you pregnant and that I'm helping you hide it? No, why?" it was obvious that he was amused by the latest gossip.


"Yeah, that one. Do you happen to have any idea who's behind it?"

You and Kirishima have gotten used to the ridiculous stories written about you that the latest rumor no longer made both of you embarrassed. 


"Sorry, no." he said apologetically and shrugging his shoulders.

You and Kirishima sighed in dejection. 


"Don't worry, y/n. They'll get what they deserve." he said in a positive tone.


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