Pt.11 what happend to him?...

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Does he really care about me?......

You and jhonny were starting to get close to each other you began to see another side of him he wasn't a jerk to you he was really caring he casually liked spending time with you he even told you he would break up with amber to be with you of course you wanted him two but also you didn't know if he actually loved her or not he told me that all she wanted from him is his money.

" I'm sorry to here that jhonny you deserve so much better than her." Umm I better go before my parents get worried." Umm ok cool I'll see you at school." Ok bye." He left blowing me a kiss I went to my room I took a shower got dressed and went to bed happy as every.

You woke this morning in a good mood you got dressed did your hair makeup ate breakfast and left for school as you were walking you saw jhonny in the hall way you walked to him and said hi." What the hell do you want loser." You were wondering why he was acting like that you felt tears in your eyes." Go away and leave me alone you fucking ugly ass slut of a bitch.

You ran in the bathroom and cried until you couldn't anymore you stayed there until school was over as school ended you checked to see if anyone was in the hall way to your luck no one was you grabbed your stuff and ran all the way back home as you got there something didn't feel right you had a strange feeling someone was in the house with you.

But who could it be?......

            To be continued.......

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