Chapter 2

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RipleyStar was making an announcement to the clan something about a special honour or something.
Meanwhile all the queens in the nursery were fussing about Koikit and Swallowkits' fur for some reason.
Why are they so fussy about how we look today?
The clan deputy Crowsong poked her head into the den and beckoned Koikit and Swallowkit our.
Damn it are we in trouble? But I haven't done anything lately...unless...could they be mad about the slug in finchkits nest? But it was a silly joke we can be in this much trouble for that can  I we? Koikit thought fretfully.
"Pssst Koikit why are so anxious have you forgot what today is? Murmured Swallowkit.
Koikit Had no idea what she meant what was happening today?
Then she recognised the words that the RipleyStar was preaching to the clan
today was the kits apprenticeship!
The thick curly fur covering koikit suddenly grew to twice its size and energy filled her tiny body
This was going to one of the greatest days of her life!
She could hardly sit still as she waited for her turn to be apprenticed
"Koikit, you have reached the age of 6moons, and it is time for you to become an apprentice.
From this day on, until you are given your warrior name you shall be known as Koipaw
Your mentor will be Firepelt.-" she broke of with a small mroww of amusement as in the crowd of warriors below her Firepelt gave an exited little jolt "Firepelt you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Ottertail and have shown your self to be enthusiastic and quick witted and I hope you can pass these qualities down to koipaw"
Koipaw was absolutely ecstatic she got an incredible mentor she was so excited she almost forgot to touch noses with her mentor.
Swallowpaw wasn't so lucky and got stuck with Salmonnose one of the strictest and cruelest warriors in riverclan.
She felt awful for her sister but it was drowned out when Firepelt came bounding over with full enthusiasm telling her that it was well about time to learn to swim

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