Letter Twelve

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The beautiful cover above is made by aisha_hiba


Stirring the medival cup of coffee, she sat by the fire place as she read the letter which had again arrived today, half an hour ago.

23rd August 2020

Dear Hayati,

Well to start off, I don't remember whether I had addressed you habibti or hayati, but that doesn't bother me since atleast you are reading it. So I had chocolate double scoop ice-cream with Hana.

The ice-cream was soo delicious, rich in choco cream and the essence was..ahh. okay I got to stop before you curse me with loosemotion curse.

Hey which remind me of other memory that do you remember how when we were in school, the last year I guess how our friend made us married, jeez not real but like the fake one. And the funny part was sir got to know about it . Gosh you should have looked at your face. It was soo red.

Uh, I will talk I mean write tomorrow, Hana is whining now. Bye habibiti. Take care.

Yours Truly,

Waleed the habibi.

She laughed bitterly at the memories. Of course she remembered those.

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