Letter Twenty-Six

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A/N : if you haven't read the previous chapter 25, please do read it. You might get confused if you skipped that.

Hiba stared at the blank ceiling. Her heart was twisting and churning with the pain of broken heart. Tears obscured her vision as the white ceiling blurred. She remembered that exact day. How she planned to propose Waleed. Wanting is to keep halal she practiced a lot in front of the mirror, not to embarrass herself while she poured her heart out to him. But all went in vain.

She had heard the disaster that had greeted his home when she was about to express her feelings to him. Her heart broke in little by little as it bleeded with pain, when the guy whom she loved poured his heart that he liked Haneen. She remebered how her pillow wiped her tears as she screamed in pain of heart break. She didn't dare to say Waleed that she liked him. He would do something that she wouldn't be hurt, not caring that his love would be at stake.

Days passed as she accepted the bitter truth . If she couldn't get her love, at least she would let them unite. Because no one would know better then the person who has suffered from heart break. Years passed but the feeling still resided in her heart.She still longed for one time, what if things were different, but she would brushed it aside since life ain't a fairy tale.

Sleep engulfed her tear stricken face as the morning greeted her which the contrasting lights of orange and pink layed in the blue blanket of sky. Birds hugged and chimed in their melody as Hiba took the next letter from her mail box.

Brewing the fresh cup of tea, she unfolded the letter as she kept the antique cup on the counter.

17th September 2020

Dear Hayati,

It's literally quarter before midnight and finally I had got time to write to you. Life has been busy, from picking Hana from her school to office work and bunch of more homework ahhh. I cannot. I miss you. I miss how you had taken the tension away from my head by running your finger in my hair. By massaging my head. I miss them so much.

My missing has gotten me to write a poem for you. Since I ain't a poet but I tried my best. So here is it:

To know that I miss you
So much when you left for work,
Promising that you will come back
My heart waits for you
For a fact that you will return

To know that I miss you
In your tender kisses
For a fact that I know
You will return my hugs

To know that I love you
With no doubts in my mind
For eternity.

Sorry don't get your hopes high hayati, I copied from pinterest.  Of course I didn't copied all but a few first three lines rest all I wrote with my heart.

Take care and stay safe.

Your Truly

Waleed the love.

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