Letter Eighteen

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"And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life]. And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied." Quran 93:4-5


31st August 2020

Dear hayati,

Today was such a tiring day. From work to Hana want to play make up with me, she indeed made me a joker. She does nice makeup on me and then she calls me I look ugly.  If you were here, I am darn sure that you would say that, it's okay sometime truth hurts.

Which now reminds me of memories how you threw a fits here and there on not marrying the guy, uh what was his name- Reyhan. Your mum was like he was a nice guy and he is a doctor and then your father asked you why are you rejecting such a nice man. And you were like- ' what if he gets angry and suddenly use me as a cadaver and dissect me' . That's the funniest rejection I ever heard.

But I was glad that you didn't marry him. My heart was on marathon when that dude Rehyan confessed the he liked you. I thought that I would get my first heartbreak. 

Yes, you read right Hayati. It was a mere crush which later developed into more than that.  I tried my hard not to think about you, but guess destiny had another plan.

Well everyone is fine and Mama is recovering so soon which we all are happy. Come fast so that you can double our happiness.

Also #iamstillthebeautifulboi

Yours Truly

Waleed the not ugly one.

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