Chap 11: The Rogue Cultivator

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A/N: I suggest you play 'battle music' in the background as you read this.
Liu Yang's Pov:

"It's you! The woman from the inn!"

Liu Yang flashed Bing Wen a quick smile, then she raised the dagger in her left hand and plunged it into the woman's shoulder.

The woman's ghost let out a bloodcurdling shriek, grey smoke billowing from her shoulder and missing arm. She had completely forgotten about the fallen Cultivator.

The skinny Cultivator carried his injured friend to safety. He then began passing sprititual energy to his friend to allow him to heal faster.

With another scream, the ghost's missing limb grew back. The sight was definitely not missed by the other Cultivators, who stared at the scene with gaping mouths and wide eyes.

Except for WangJi, who only looked slightly off-guard.

Even Liu Yang was shocked, she herself had never encountered a ghost capable of doing such a thing.

Despite her many years wielding her twin daggers, she only knew her weapons were capable of permanently cutting of a ghost or spirit's limbs.

Liu Yang's daggers were made of pure iron, like most weapons in China. And the hilts had been soaked in blessed water beforehand.

Which meant that she would be able to easily fend off ghosts, and other monsters alike.

But never before had she seen a ghost able to regenerate its missing limbs, after she had sliced them off.

The ghost recovered shortly. She turned her full attention to Liu Yang, who tightened her grip on her daggers when a muderous glare was directed at her.

The woman seethed, "WHO ARE YOU!?" Her spirit fizzled, as if her anger was affecting her corporeal being.

"Who am I?" Liu Yang wiped the shock expression off of her face.

Her gaze turned serious and she pointed one of her daggers at the ghost, "I am the Rogue Cultivator. And I am going to stop you from hurting anyone else."

The woman gave an eerie grin, the smile splitting her mouth open all the way to her ears. "Then you will die trying..."

The ghost attacks.

Liu Yang dodges a clawed hand, then another. She spins in place then leaps back when the woman tries to pounce onto her.

Her robes flapped in the wind, making her look like a blue butterfly.

Liu Yang waved her daggers in the air, trying to slice open the woman's chest, but the ghost was too fast and teleported away.

Liu Yang's body went stiff. She circled around the courtyard, her eyes wide with caution and her daggers in front of her ready to deflect any surprise attacks.

Several moments flew by but the ghost hadn't teleported back yet. Where was she?

Her body registered the presence behind her before her mind did. She whirled her head around in time to see the woman's ghost appearing behind her, bringing her hand down onto her.


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