Chap 8: Her Dagger Part 2

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Narrator's Pov:

Chen Jun wandered the streets of Jú huā (Chrysanthemum) Village. He clutched Huiqing in his hands, careful not to squeeze his palm around the metal and instead around its hilt.

Two days had passed since he's seen his Yang-jie. He would forever be grateful for his Yang-jie. She gave herself up for him so he could live.

But how could he live, when she was her only family left? Yang-jie was wrong when she thought that he'd be able to find a new family that could love him.

No one could replace his parents. And no one could replace his Yang-jie.

"Please, please sir." Ah-Chen approached a passing salesman and tugged on his pant leg. "Please help me save my Yang-jie!"

The salesman looked at him indifferently and walked away, "Leave me alone, brat."

Ah-Chen was slowly losing hope. Hordes of passerbys flowed by him, and endless sea of people, regardless if they were rich or poor, were all unaware of his pleas for help.

Or did they just not care?

Just then, up ahead Ah-Chen sees a young group of men, all dressed in *orange and yellow robes with swords on their persons. They all held an air of power but also of justice.

Chen Jun realises that these men are cultivators of the local sect. Yes, those are good men. They will surely save Yang-jie!

"Seniors! Sirs! Wait!" Ah-Chen called out to them. The Yu disciples stopped and turned to the boy calling out for them. Ah-Chen panted heavily once he reached them, and he grabbed onto one of them.

He begged, "Sir, please, save Yang-jie! She has been taken by bad men! She is in danger!"

The disciple frowned down at Ah-Chen and pushed him away. "Such poor manners! Stop fooling around, boy. We are cultivators, not babysitters. We do not have time to entertain you."

Ah-Chen panicked when the disciples began to walk away. "No, wait! I'm not playing a game. My Yang-jie really is in trouble!" He said in a distressed tone and he quickly grabbed onto another disciple.

"Please gege, you need to save Yang-jie!" Ah-Chen was sobbing again, much to the disgust and annoyance of the disciples. The disciple from before marched towards Ah-Chen, "Stop bothering us you--"

"Ma-xiong, stop it." He Bing Wen stepped out from the group. The disciple known as Ma-xiong rolled his eyes, "I wasn't going to hit him, He-xiong."

Bing Wen waved Ma-xiong away and squated down in front of Ah-Chen. "Little friend, is what you say true? Is your Yang-jie really in trouble? A serious matter such as this is bad to joke about." He asked the boy.

Ah-Chen nods, "It's true! It's all true!" He shows Huiqing to Bing Wen, "Yang-jie is a cultivator too. This is her dagger."

Bing Wen knotted his brows at the idea of a non-cultivator-in-training in possession of a weapon. He was yet to fully believe the boy for what he had said.

You never know, although some kids may lie, the rest are telling the truth. Only the distress a child faces may make it seem like they were just playing a game.

Bing Wen gently pried the dagger from Ah-Chen's hands, and he surveys it. He runs his fingers over the hilt and the blade itself. He paused when he read the engravings on the blade:


He Bing Wen gasped, "Liu Yang."

He looked to Ah-Chen with wide eyes, "Does your Yang-jie happen to be a young woman named Liu Yang?" Ah-Chen nodded.

When Liu Yang had been unconscious after being attacked by the ghost of Madam Guo, Bing Wen had seen her two daggers, Huiqing and Minzhe.

Bing Wen instantly believed every word from Ah-Chen's mouth. He remembered reading through the letter to him from Liu Yang. The letter had mentioned a boy around 8 years of age. He was skinny but had a chubby face, and he was young but was very smart for his age.

Bing Wen realised who Ah-Chen was, "Then you must be Chen Jun." Ah-Chen nodded again.

Bing Wen curled his fingers around Huiqing's hilt, then he turned to Jun Chen with a kind smile, "I believe you Chen Jun. I will save your Yang-jie."

Ah-Chen flashed a bright smile, earning a ruffle to his hair.

A while later, Bing Wen brought Ah-Chen back with him to the Yu Clan. Ah-Chen became a temporary guest.

The junior disciples of ages six to twelve were estatic to have a new friend to play with. Ah-Chen was also relieved to have something to distract him while his He-gege sets off with the older disciples to rescue his Yang-jie.

Ah-Chen hugs Huiqing close to his chest and smiles, "I'll wait for you, Yang-jie."
A/N: *I do not for the hell of me know what colour robes the Yu Clan people wear. When I first heard of the name 'MeiShan', I instantly thought of a mountain filled with vibrant flowers. So I'll just make their robes a soft orange colour. Just picture a sunset.

*Also, i know that now there's a continuity error of Bing Wen wearing green robes in the first book. So I'll just make up the excuse that the green robes were like his leisure ones. Who said that everyone had to be colour coordinated? What is this, Avatar?

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