Chapter 10

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I need to find a way to get us out of here, but it's trying to decide if I have the balls to go searching that's hard. My whole body begs me to stay in the main lobby with the others, who mourn Mason, but I know that if I don't get us a way out of here then we are all finished. My sister and Conner sit together off to the side, she just stares at the ground and fiddles with the edging on her jeans.

Grayson and Avery whisper goodbyes to their friend, whom they had put onto a rundown hospital bed and covered with an old sheet for respect. Teagan cradles a still unconscious Hazel, her pulse is existent but I'm still nervous about her well-being. The 911 call Salem had made hadn't worked, as expected. So now I know I need to grow a pair and find an exit.

A problem that I have is I have no clue about the layout of the building, and my phone battery is too low for my liking to use the flashlight. I'm stumped, but I don't want to ask any of my friends for help; I've put them in enough danger as it is. It's like Grayson can read my mind, he makes his way to me and drops his voice low so we can talk amongst ourselves.

"You can't be walking around this building by yourself, Sage. It's way too dangerous." I shake my head, avoiding his gaze that tries to pierce me.

"This place is dangerous when we're all together, too, Grayson. We were all together when the last two people were attacked. At least if I'm by myself then I'll be the only one attacked." It sounds reasonable in my head, but once I say it I know the truth of my words. I cannot guarantee anyone's safety, as much as I would like to.

My throat develops a lump as I try hard to swallow the sadness that tries to surface. I can't allow myself to cry, I can't allow myself to be weak. Again, it's like he reads my mind.

"You don't have to be the only strong one here Sage. We all have each other. We will all make it through this." I meet his eyes, they're bright even in the darkroom. I'm suddenly hyper-aware of the fact that by allowing these people into my life I've put them in danger.

Kind people, like Avery and Grayson, are subjected to pain. Mason and I weren't super close, I hadn't allowed myself that much leeway, but he still suffered.

Now the people I had gotten attached to, come to care about, have to grieve the loss of someone they've cared about for years. Because of me.

"I regret everything. All of it." I mumble, not even sure if he hears me. He seems to, he kinda smiles at me and the lump in my throat goes away. "I shouldn't have taken the dare from my sister, in retrospect, it was something she gave me to hurt me and I accepted it. Then I really shouldn't have let you guys come in here with me, it was my dare. I especially shouldn't have let Avery introduce me to you guys that was like...sealing your fate." I drop my head in defeat because I can't feel anything more than that. Defeated.

Grayson reaches over and pushes one of my stray hairs out of my face and I let him, even though his closeness makes my palms sweat.

"Do you think.." he paused, his brow furrowing ashe searches for his choice of words. Under his breath he lets out a breathy laugh, it warms my stomach. "I wonder if it's too late to say 'Uncle' right about now?" I laugh, loudly.

Truly I can't help it, it just explodes from my chest and it comes out before I can suppress it. The others turn to look at me with shock, Teagan with annoyance, and I cover my mouth in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I'd like to think it's a little late now to say the safe word," I reply, still smiling a bit under my hand.

"I would feel most comfortable if you let me go with you to find out the exit. Please." I shake my no, roughly. It was letting them pressure me into having company that got them all into this mess, I'm not letting it happen again.

"No, Grayson. No way. I'm going on my own...I should be heading out right now." I look him hard in the eyes, trying to get it into his head that I do not want him to follow me. He goes to talk again but I turn my back on him proudly and indignantly walk away. I give a final look to my sister, who clings to Conner.

My gaze shifts to Avery who still has her head on Mason's body, and Teagan who still has Hazel. I nod at them, and Teagan nods back before I turn my back to them, heading down the nearest dark hallway.

My braveness and proudness fails me the moment I am alone in the dark; the moment I know I am alone with the building. My heart pounding I pull my phone out of my pocket and dismiss the warning label of only five percent left, turning my flashlight onto the lowest setting. Offhandedly I hope that by having the light that low then maybe the battery won't die as fast.

I maneuver my way down the crowded hall, stumbling over random objects and I have to work hard not to trip. Several times I push wheelchairs out of my way, their creaking wheels echoing in the silence. Walking feels like an eternity, the darkness threatens to swallow me whole and I'm so afraid that I ponder turning the brightness up.

I feel like I'm drowning, my head struggling to stay surfaced above the waves. My heart pounds with every step and every nerve of my being are begging me to just turn around and grab someone to walk with me. I remind myself again and again that I can't subject others to this struggle.

This hall is never-ending, it feels. How big is this building? Suddenly a picture of a maze pops up in my mind, the tendrils of vines trapping in its explorers.

My heart sinks, I'm going to get myself lost in here. From behind me, there's the sound of clatter, things being knocked over. I whirl around, heart in my throat, and search wildly for the noise.

My flashlight finds Grayson staring sheepishly up at me from the ground where he's kneeling, seeming to have tripped over an old hospital gown.

"Grayson!" I yell, rolling my eyes and slapping my thigh in frustration. "What part of don't follow me didn't click in your brain?" My tone is harsher than intended but it seems as though I need to be to set boundaries with this boy. Suddenly my anger distinguishes, out as fast as blowing out a candle.

My heart stops, and then jolts harshly into my throat, then back down to my gut. From behind Grayson's shoulder, I can see a shadow, tall and looming. I try to scream, alert him, anything; but my voice is caught in my throat.

It notices me staring, nothing more than a dark figure; darker than the darkest shadows of the hall. It's hungry, I can feel its anguish and my gut fills with dread. Not Grayson, please not Grayson. It lunges, my whole body flinches with shock and I'm pushed backward with an impact.

My whole body feels like it's hit with volts of electricity and I fall back, my head snapping against the concrete floor. Then nothing.

The DareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora