Let's Get To Painting!

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Erai let the paint drip on the wall for a moment before she used the roller.

Yui let out a huff while wiping the sweat off her forehead. Erai looks over "Yui?" The blonde shook her head "No. No. I got it" She tried to pry at the lid again and broke a sweat while doing so.

Erai sweatdropped and walked over, pulling the lid off and sitting the bucket of paint back down. Yui flattened her lips but smiled and got her paintbrush "Thank you. I told you I had it"

Erai 'pfft' "Yeah, but who's the one that opened it?" Yui turned away and grumbled as she started applying paint to the walls.

They had put the newspaper on the floor so it wouldn't become damaged and nothing bad would happen to it. First, they decided to try painting it black and somehow transfer that to a grey.

They got this in the bag, watch!


Yui lift up the bucket of white paint as she finished painting black at the top of the walls on the ladder "Here you go!" Erai looked over and held put her hands once she noticed that Yui was way too high "Yui! You should put the bucket down! What if you tip ov--"

"Huh?" Yui looked down, confused but she felt the ladder tip, causing her to squeal and let go of the can.

Erai held her hands put to catch it but soon, they can hit the floor, making a splash and having it splatter above their heads and on their clothes.

Yui wiped some of it off her face while Erai slumped once she saw it got caught in her hair.

But, they can get through with it.

How? With the help of their art skills!


Turns out, their art skills didn't do them so well in this case.

They tried to blend it but...

"...So, do we take it down or--Nope. We will just keep trying to blend them until they do" Erai looked back at the walls and went over to them, looking them over once more. It looked like swirls of black and grey, a smokey color. Yui went to paint over the part she was looking a--"Wait.."

She held her hand out in front of her. Yui stopped and watched as Erai held put her hands, and looked around the room. They had unknowingly created a beautiful piece. Black at the top that faded into a darker color, and that's where the swirls came in. They looked as if they were smoke and dripped down to the baseboards with black in its paths. The white that had splattered on them a moment ago was stuck at the top, making it seem as if stars were in the sky.

Yui gasped lightly as she smiled once she saw what they had created "It's so pretty.." Erai bent down and dipped her paintbrush in the black paint. Once she popped back up, she carefully traced the outline of a big bat on the wall where the crib would go. After that, she made another bat behind it, it is slightly smaller than the big bat and right behind them was a tiny bat.

Yui smiled at what she was implying. She dipped her own brush and climbed back up the ladder, making small streaks to the white paint so it could seem like a meteor shower.

Once they were done, it looked like the perfect room for their little munchkin!

Now, about the paint in their hair...

Babies Ever After (Yui X OC!Yuri)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora