Chapter Eight

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What to wear? What to wear!

Fin felt like he would go crazy before finally finding what to wear, feeling like Rose from Dogfight before getting ready for her doom date she didn't even know was coming! As long as there wasn't dancing to this evening it would be fine.

Date? Fin wasn't sure what to consider it, he knew he said it wasn't a date but the way Mark made him feel was making it harder and harder to concentrate on it not being a date. Every text sent randomly made him feel butterflies in his stomach, the small ping making him jump to check what was sent.

Like on cue Fin's phone alerted him to a received text and he checked to see who it was from.

You did say 6, right?..

He couldn't help the smile as he eagerly texted back.

six :)

Going back to what he was doing he focused on his hair first. He decided to slick the mop of hair in need of a haircut back to the side, leaving his face open. How he hated how pale he was becoming, desperately needing sun he could see any day if he just stepped outside. 

Fin couldn't help but feel uneasy though, Marabura hadn't felt like home since he was back, and just sitting in the backyard staring at the trees swaying it just felt more foreign.

"Finnn! I'm ready!" Archie cried as he ran into his brothers room, flopping on the bed to stare him down as he finished getting ready.

"Well I'm not," Fin answered back.

"Twenty minutes!" Was his reminder back from the impatient seven year old now bouncing up and down restlessly.

"I'll be ready! Don't forget to pick out a sweater, it might get cold later. Just keep it in the car."

"Okay dad." 

Fin grimaced as the boy ran back out the room to do what he was told. It was now Archie's thing, anytime Fin told him what to do the boy resorted back to the jab. He wasn't sure if he meant it in that way but he still wasn't fond of it.

Fin just finally decided on a Nike t-shirt in navy blue, deciding he would rather blend in with the crowd. He matched it with his favorite pair of black jeans and his white Nike sneakers as well, deciding not to clash brands.

A few sprays of his favorite cologne, sliding his wallet in his pocket and picking out a sweatshirt for himself as well he finally concluded himself as ready. With ten more minutes to go he wasn't sure what to do, pace back and forth near the door?

He folded all the clothes he pulled out of his dresser before venturing into his brothers room, spotting him with his avengers zip up and smiled.

"Want me to fold it before we get to the car?"

"Yes please."

"Come on, it's almost time to leave." Fin ushered Archie out of his room and switching off the light, following him down the stairs.

After the few moments it took to lock up the house and turn lights off Fin heard the sound of knuckles against the front door. Fin's stomach almost leaped out of his gut at the sound, his nerves wracking through is body. People, crowds, Fin didn't like it! Regardless of his boring clothing to not stand out, he would still get the same results. Everyone knows everyone, he thought to himself as he rushed towards the door before another knock wouldn't come as reply to his silent statement.

A rush of warm air encircled Fin as he opened the oak door to reveal the tall school boy he expected to see. Though expected, Fin still forgot to realize how he had to crook his neck just the slightest with their close proximity, and looked up to meet the young mans gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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