What needs Work?

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Thanks to all of you who have been reading so far. I think before I put any more parts out, I'm gonna edit everything since I made all of these chapters on the fly. I know for a fact that things can be going better so you can do four things if you want.

1. On this line you can tell me it was good, I love it.

2. On this line, you can tell me what needs work.

3. On this line, you can tell me just anything.

4. On this line, you can leave no comment and just do something else, I guess?

5. And this line isn't supposed to be here, but I grew an emotional attachment to it.

Just again thank you and if you are looking for more good marvel books, I do have a reading list of a decent amount that I personally think are up to like an actual author standard or close to it.

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