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Yay! An actual request! So. This one was requested by EveryonesInTheCloset. Love ya bestest friend!

Lafayette watched as Alexander fidgeted in his seat excitedly. John and Hercules had both just woken up from a nap. They were on a flight to France. The three men accompanying Laf had never been before so he took it upon himself to bring them with. Alexander looked like an excited puppy. John looked at Alexander in confusion.
"How the hell do you have so much energy?" The curly-haired man asked. Hercules just yawned and stretched before latching onto John again.
"Less talk. More sleep." He mumbled to which John happily obliged.
Alex whined and looked at Lafayette.
"I do not have that much energy." He hissed which caused Lafayette to chuckle.
"They are right, mon ami. You do have a lot of energy. Compared to them anyway." Lafayette than wrapped his arm around Alexander's shoulders.
"Get some sleep though. We still have a couple hours." Lafayette said sleepily.

Timeskip brought to you by Small Gremlin Man

Lafayette was shaken awake and looked around tiredly.
"Mon Dieu.." He rubbed at his eyes then groaned. There were 3 very excited men looking at him.
"C'mon, Laffy Taffy, we're about to land." Hercules said with a bright smile. Alexander must have switched seats with Herc because Alex was now by John instead. Both were excited and beyond happy. John's arm was draped around Alexander's shoulders as the Gremlin Man looked at Lafayette.

Another timeskip because I'm lazy

Lafayette watched as his three best friends ran around and looked at different things. Hercules, of course, tried flirting with some poor girl that either didn't know English or she just ignored him. Lafayette believed it was the latter. Alexander seemed to have made a new friend with some guy, both speaking in French quickly. Lafayette walked over to John.
"Are you alright, mon ami?" John looked up at Lafayette.
"Yep. Just.." He looked over at Alex then at Herc.
"I don't know how they do it." Lafayette frowned.
"Don't worry about that. Why don't we get the other two and go get some food." John's face brightened.
"Yes!!! I'll get Alex!" The shorter man then ran over to Alexander.

Lafayette groaned and walked over to Hercules.
"Herc, mon ami, I'm sure she doesn't understand English. Leave the poor girl alone." Lafayette pulled Hercules away then apologized to the girl.
"Je suis vraiment désolé pour mon ami. Passez une bonne journée." The Frenchman then turned to Hercules with a glare. Hercules sighed and mumbled 'sorry' before stalking off to find Alexander and John. Lafayette followed his friend quickly.
"Alexander, no. You little Gremlin. You need to eat." He heard John say as he got closer.
"Oui! John is right!" Lafayette grabbed John and Herc's hands and pulled them along behind him. John barely managed to grab onto Alex.

Another timeskip because, again, I'm lazy as fuck

Lafayette sat down on the nearest bed and flopped backwards. He forgot how hectic it was to chase the others around constantly. He closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep before he felt someone lay next to him.
"You okay, Laffy Taffy?" Lafayette looked at Hercules.
"I am just tired." He then felt someone lay on top of him. He wrapped his arms around them.
"Well, Bonjour to you too, Alexander." The small man just groaned and stayed there as John lay on the other side of Lafayette.
"Sleep?" John questioned even as his eyes closed. Alex grumbled out a muffled 'goodnight'. This caused Herc and Laf to laugh. (Haha- Laf- Laugh- Get it? Cause they.. They sound the same.. Sorry. I'll shut up now-)
"Goodnight." They repeated. A sudden, "G'night" from one John Laurens startled them before they all fell asleep, cuddled around and, in Alexander's case, on top of Lafayette.

Hamilton OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt