Philip x My Friend-Halloween pt1

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Hey guys! I wanted to do something special for Halloween today and my irl best friend is obsessed with Philip so.. This chapter is for him. Let's call him Kevin. It's gonna be short. Sorry. Warning! It gets a little angsty in the beginning.

Kevin was sitting at his desk, staring at nothing. He suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his thin shoulders which caused him to jump and let out a squeak.
"Haha! You okay?" A certain curly-haired man asked as he planted a kiss on Kevin's cheek. Kevin just nodded and leaned back into the other male.
"Kevin, tell me. What's wrong? You seem distant today." Kevin stood up and pulled Philip into a hug.
"5 years ago today, Pip... 5 years ago today was when I lost them..." Philip frowned and held his boyfriend tightly.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered as he buried his face in Kevin's hair. "But I know that they'd want you to be happy and spend today having fun." Kevin sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded.
"Let's do it! C'mon, Philip! Go get ready!" He said as he lightly pushed Philip out of the room. "I'll meet you in the living room." The taller boy chuckled and kissed Kevin before doing as he was told.

Philip POV

I have been very worried about Kevin lately. He seems very distant. I know that today holds bad memories for him. I sigh and get up from the couch to go find my small boyfriend. I find him sitting at his desk, just staring at the wall. I smile and wrap my arms around him gently. He hasn't been eating properly again, I notice. He jumped and let out a very adorable squeak.
"Haha! You okay?" I ask before kissing his cheek. He looks paler. I see him nod in response to my question.
"Kevin, tell me. What's wrong? You seem distant today." Kevin stands and pulls me into a tight hug.
"5 years ago today, Pip... 5 years ago today was when I lost them..." I feel myself frown and hold onto him tighter.
"I'm so sorry." I whisper as I press my face into his messy hair. Usually I wouldn't but he's too cute. Even when he's sad. "But I know that they'd want you to be happy and spend today having fun." I hear him sniffle then he wipes at his eyes. A nod.
"Let's do it! C'mon, Philip! Go get ready!" He shoves me lightly towards the door and out of the room.
"I'll meet you in the living room." I chuckle before kissing the shorter man. I then turn to do as I was told.
"God. How I love that man." I whisper to myself before getting ready.

This one's for you, mon ami! You've been having a rough time lately even though you haven't said anything. But know that I'm always here for you and I'll continue to be even after you don't want me to. Love ya, K!

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