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Matt's POV

I open my heavy eyes to see my room filled with people, my aunt, cousin, brother and all my friends.
"I think he's up," Zoe whispers. I smile and open my eyes wider. Oxygen tubes are up my nose, making the air smell like plastic, and my abdomen is sore.
"Hey MattyB," Luke says. He leans over and smiles.
"Am I good?" I ask.
"They said it went perfect," Mason says. I sigh with relief.
"It's Monday what are you all doing here," I say. Zoe crosses her arms and Luke laughs.
"I'm pretty sure we get a free pass to visit you today," Brody says.
"I'm going to grab some food let's give Matt some space," Hannah says. Luke and Brody agree.
"I'll show you the cafe," Aunt Krista offers, Hannah, Luke and Brody begin to follow her, but Brody notices Zoe leaning against the wall and hangs back. It's silent after they leave only Mason, Jake, Brody, Zoe and me are left in the room.
"Your lying and I can tell," Zoe points to me. I look at her like she's crazy even though I know exactly what she's talking about. Brody shoots me a quick look.
"Tell me where Michaela is and what's going on with her right now," Zoe says angrily. Jake looks up at me and shakes his head with disappointment, he knew the lie wouldn't end well.
"Zoe your crazy," I say. She shakes her head and throws up her hands.
"The fact that you would lie about something like this is unbelievable, where is she," Zoe demands, she stands inches away from the bed.
"Come on Matt," Brody says. Zoe's jaw drops.
"You told him, you told Brody before you told her best friend, what is wrong with you!" she yells. I sigh and look at Zoe. She crosses her arms and waits, I should've known she would figure it out, she's sneaky.
"She's in a coma in the ICU," I say. Zoe's angry serious expression shatters, her eyes grow big and she covers her mouth with her hand.
"Zoe," Mason says. She takes steps back and leans against the wall, staring down at the ground as if she saw a ghost. All of a sudden an announcement is called over the speaker system.
Code blue in room 205
Outside my door, nurse and doctors run by. Mason and Jake look at each other in horror.
"That's Michaela's room," Jake says in fear. Zoe quivers and shatters. Mason, Brody and Jake all run out of the room frantically. Zoe sobs against the wall.
"Michaela!" She sobs. "Matt you lied, now look I didn't even get to say goodbye!" She screams through her tears. I want nothing more than to be able to get up and hold her, even though I feel like a monster, seeing her scrambled on the floor is heart wrenching.
"Zoe I'm sorry," I say, but she doesn't hear me over the commotion and sobs.

Zoe lays next to me in my hospital bed. Her tear stained cheeks lays against my bare chest, she quietly sobs. The code blue was called 30 minutes ago, there's no update, Michaela could be dead right now. Zoe finally gave in after 15 minutes of sobbing on the floor to come lay with me, now I hold her shattered body.
"I'm so sorry," I whisper while stroking her brown hair. Zoe doesn't answer, she just puts her hand on my chest and gently closes her eyes. Zoe is complicated, she comes off as tough and heartless, but under that is a fragile shell that can crack, and this might've done it, I've never seen her this upset, not even when her mom passed away a few years ago.
I look up to see Jake slowly walk back in, his face is shocked, which sends a pain through my heart, Michaela can't die, we need her everyone needs her. Jake looks up at us, Zoe lifts her head off of me.
Jake takes a deep breath, "she's awake."

Michaela's POV

Every part of my body burns and feels sore, as if I just ran and lifted weights for 20 hours. The nurses and doctors which surrounded me a minute ago, start to trickle out of my room, one nurse stays back. I look down at my arms which are in braces and propped up on pillows, I try to move them but I can't. My throat is sore from the tube that was down my throat, the one the doctors just pulled out. I thought I was choking it was the scariest experience I've ever been through.
"Kay?" A voice asks. Once the doctors trickle out, I see Mason who stands with a look of disbelief. I notice his left arm which is casted. A smile spreads across his face.
"Oh my god," he says. He comes over to the side of my bed, his eyes lined with tears. I try to say something but no words come out.
"It's normal after we take the tubes out," the nurse tells Mason. He looks over at me, I try to mouth the words where am I? But he looks over at me confused.
"I know your scared, it's okay, everyone's here, you're okay," Mason says. I look around confused on who everyone is, but then the door opens, Zoe pushes Matt in a wheelchair. Both of them have matching smiles and sparkling eyes. Zoe runs over to the bed. She hesitates, but the gently wraps her arms around me, I can hear her gently sob in my shoulder.
"Oh my god Michaela, never scare us like that again," she says. She stays on me for a few minutes, refusing to let go. I just want to wrap my arms around her, but I can't, I can't move them and it's freaking me out.
"Mas," Matt says. Zoe looks over and let's go of me, she moves aside so Matt can be wheeled next to the bed. He reaches over and places his hand on top of my right hand. I look over and smile. I stare at Matt and mouth what happened he looks over at Mason.
"Kay, there was an accident on Saturday, we were all taken here, it's Monday, you've been in a coma for the past 2 days," Mason explains. I furrow my eyebrows trying to remember an accident, but nothing comes to mind, nothing at all actually.
Mom and dad I mouth. Mason hesitates for a second,then Matt speaks for him.
"They're at another hospital closer to the crash," he says. I smile, knowing everyone's safe.
"Aunt Krista and Jake are here," Mason says. I've always loved my Aunt Krista, but it's weird that she traveled across the country to come.
"Hannah, Luke and Brody are with them," Matt adds. I wince as my head starts to hurt like a bad headache.
"What's wrong Kay?" Zoe asks.
Head hurt I mouth. Zoe nods and looks up at the nurse. "She said her head hurts."
"I can push more pain medicine, but it'll knock her out," the nurse tells Zoe. I look at Zoe and nod, the pain is getting unbearable. The nurse inserts a needle into my IV bag and almost instantly I start to feel tired.
"We'll be here when you wake up," Mason. My eyelids droop and close and just like that I'm out again.

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