I Can't Lose Him T!

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As they were walking back to the truck, a guy in a mask pointed a gun at them. "This poor little girl shouldn't be raised by some f*gs." This made Drew seethe with anger. "Maybe I should help her out with that." Drew and Brianna were frozen in fear. As the gun was pointed at Bri, Rick jumped in front of her. Drew grabbed Bri and hugged her tight as they heard two gunshots. They heard footsteps shuffling behind them. They looked up and saw Rick laying there, his shirt covered in blood. "Dad!" Bri shouted with tears filling her eyes. Drew rushed over and put his hands in the bullet wound to stop the bleeding. "Bri I need you to reach into my pocket, call 911, and put the phone to my ear." She did as she was told. "911 what is your emergency." Could be heard through the small speaker. "My name is Dr. Drew Alister. I need an ambulance to the coffee shop on 10th street. My husband was shot. He's breathing but he's barely conscious." Drew stated calmly. He couldn't breakdown. He had to stay calm for Brianna. Brianna's sobs could be heard through the phone. "Sir is anyone else hurt?" The woman stated. "No. Just my husband. What is the ETA on the ambulance?" Drew stated with a tear falling down his cheek. Just as the woman was about to answer, sirens could be heard down the street. The paramedics got Rick onto a gurney and helped Drew and Bri inside the ambulance. Drew told them to go to San Antonio Memorial. They heard the paramedics tell someone over the phone that they were bring Rick in.

"I have a GSW to the chest coming in. The patients husband said he is a doctor and requested I bring him to you guys." Mollie's face dropped with anxiousness. "What's wrong Mollie?" Kenny asked. "Have you spoken to Drew tonight?" She asked the younger nurse. As if on cue, Kenny's phone rang. It was Drew. "What's up Drew?" Kenny asked unknowing if the circumstance. "Uncle Kenny. Dads hurt. Bad. He got shot." Brianna told the man in between sobs. Kenny was speechless. The girl hung up leaving Kenny to process what was just said to him. "All right everyone." He started in a serious tone. "I just got off the phone with Brianna. Rick was shot. They are coming here so I need everyone to be on their A game and be there for Drew and Bri."

A few seconds later, the ER doors slid open where everyone could see Drew straddling Rick with his hands in his chest. Brianna was following closely behind, clutching Rick's hand. "Take him to trauma 1!" Jordan stated with authority and swiftness. They helped Drew off of the gurney and had Paul switch places with him. They told him he had to wait outside. Before Drew could protest, Mollie told him that she would take Bri to go get cleaned up. He stood there not moving a muscle. Not even dropping his hands. He was in shock. TC saw him staring with a blank expression. He walked out of the trauma bay and hugged his friend. "No! Go help him please! I can't lose him T!" Drew exclaimed, the tears finally escaping his eyes. TC hugged him tighter. This caused Drew to finally break down.

They went to the lounge room and TC got them each a coffee. "What happened?" T asked concerned. "We were walking back to truck after dinner and-" He was cut off by an intense sob. He pinched his nose and sat up. "And some guy pointed a gun at us. He said Bri didn't deserve to be raised by two men. Then he pointed the gun at Bri and Rick jumped in front of her." Drew was now speaking with almost no emotion at all. He was going numb. TC tried to speak but was cut off by a thud. Drew has passed out. His body finally shut down from the pain. He didn't even realize he was shot as well.

TC called for a gurney and brought Drew into trauma 2. He called Shannon into the room to start giving fluids. Shannon looked at Drew surprised. "There's a bullet wound." She told the other doctor. TC looked at his shoulder and found a through and through bullet hole. He assumed all the blood on his shirt was from Rick. Drew's eyes started to open and he panicked. "No! No! Go help Rick! I'm fine!" Drew practically screamed through the ER. Jordan pulled the curtain back and saw T and Shannon struggling to keep Drew from getting up.

"What happened? Why is he in a gurney?" Jordan asked the other two doctors. "He passed out and we discovered a bullet hole in his shoulder." Shannon told her before she even realized who she was talking about. "How is he? Is he ok? Is he gonna make it?" Drew asked as he started tearing up again. "He's stable for now. Scott is waiting for an OR so they can find the bullet." Jordan told him. "Where's Bri? Is she ok?" Drew asked Kenny. "She's in the pediatric family room playing some video games. Do you want me to go get her?" Kenny asked as calmly as he could. "No. I don't want her to be worried about me too." They gave him antibiotics to prevent infection, and they wrapped his shoulder and put it in a sling to keep the weight off of it.

Brianna came running downstairs when she heard some nurses talking about Drew. "Dad! Are you ok? You got shot too?" She screamed with tears welling in her eyes. "Shhhhhhh. I'm ok. Just a scrape. I'll be ok." Drew could barely get the words out. All Drew could think about was his husband. Rick might die because Drew didn't think fast enough to protect him. Brianna saw Drew's tears fall and hopped up on the gurney hugging her father tightly. They sat there waiting for an update on Rick.

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