It Should Have Been Me

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They had given Drew and Brianna some scrubs to change into while they waited. Bri was small for her age, so the scrubs were particularly large on her. They gave Bri some fluids to keep her hydrated. They stayed in the lounge room waiting on an update about Rick. Drew looked at the name on his phone. 'Krista' He hadn't talked to her in a few days, but he thought tonight would give him an excuse to talk to her. He dialed the number and it rang a few times. That all too familiar voice answered the phone. "Drew?" The woman asked through the phone. "Hey. Do you have time to talk?" Drew asked her. "Sure. What's up?" "Rick was shot." He said before a sob escaped his mouth. "What? Is he ok? Are YOU ok?" She asked, her voice laced with concern. " I don't know. He's in surgery right now. I'm scared Krista. I don't know what I would do if-" his voice got caught in his throat. "Don't go there. He will be fine. He is strong." Drew heard some shuffling on the other end of the line before she told him she was on her way to the hospital.

She walked in and asked Mollie where Drew was. She answered and Krista ran to the lounge room. She planted a kiss to his forehead and hugged him as tight as she could before he hissed at the pain. She pulled back and noticed his shoulder. "What the hell happened Drew!" She exclaimed before she heard Drew shushing her. She looked behind him and noticed Bri staring at her. "Is that?" She asked. He nodded. "Bri this is your aunt Krista." Drew told the young girl. "I have heard so much about you." Krista told the girl. The girl just sat there and went back to her phone.

Jordan walked in the room and told them that Rick was still in surgery. "They got the bullet, but his heart rate increased rapidly so they searched around and found a fragment in his lung. He flatlined, but they got him back. He is getting some antibiotics and steroids right now, but they will let you know when you can see him." She told him with a smile. Drew hugged her, lightly crying into her scrub top.

"It should have been me." Brianna mumbled under her staggered breath. Drew stared at her with so much disbelief. "Bri," He started to speak but she shook her head. Drew walked over to her. "Honey this is not your fault. I'm glad you didn't get shot because I don't think you would have made it." Drew told her. Just the thought of Bri getting hurt made him tear up. "I'm scared dad. I don't know how I can look at him after this." She told her father. "You can do it. He is going to be fine and our lives will go back to normal." He reassured. He pulled her into a tight hug.

Scott walked into the room. "He is in recovery now. You can go see him. He flatlined twice, so we don't know when he will wake up." He told them with the most sincere voice he could. Drew grabbed Brianna's hand and followed Scott to the room Rick was in. They walked in and couldn't help but burst into tears. They both immediately went to his side and held his hand. "Dad, please wake up. I'm so sorry. I love you so please just wake up. Ok?" Bri whispered. "Krista, can you run to the house and get some clothes for me and Bri, our toothbrushes, our hairbrushes, and Bri's backpack?" Drew asked his friend. She nodded and left.

The Night That Changed EverythingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon