Now That's Love

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WARNING:There is some slight smut in this chapter.

It had been three weeks since Drew had seen his husband and daughter. They managed to let Bri stay in the same room as Rick even though it was against protocol. They were finally being released. Drew told them to keep him there as he didn't trust himself to be at home without Rick. Rick and Bri were released a few minutes before Drew. They went downstairs and waited for him. They were talking to Kenny when Rick felt a large body on him. "Dad!" Bri said as she turned and slammed into him almost knocking him down. Drew let go and hugged Rick tightly as he lightly cried into his shoulder. He pulled back and peppered Rick's face with kisses. "I missed you so much." Rick said as he pulled Drew into another hug. He also had gentle tears dripping from his eyes. "I missed you too." Drew replied as he grabbed Rick and Bri's hand and they walked out of the hospital.

When they got home, they sat on the couch and watched a movie. As Drew got up to get a drink, Rick got a phone call. "Captain Lincoln." He said with authority. "Lincoln, we have a few suspects that fit the description of the man who shot you. Do you feel up to coming down to the station and identifying him?" The man asked carefully. "Do you think it could wait until morning? I haven't seen my husband in three weeks and was hoping to spend some time with him." Rick told him as if it wasn't already obvious. "Oh of course. Just let us know when you are on your way." He replied. "Thanks." Rick said as he hung up. "Who was that?" Drew asked as he picked Rick's legs up and sat under them. "That was my boss. He has some suspects." Rick said surprised. "Well then let's go!" Drew told him. "No, we're gonna go in the morning. I haven't seen you in three weeks and just need to be here with you right now." Rick said as he reached for Drew's hand. He took it immediately and pressed a gentle kiss to Rick's knuckles. "Now that's love." Brianna said causing all three of them to laugh.

They stayed like that until Bri fell asleep. Rick picked her up and placed her in her bed before tucking her in. He grabbed Drew's hand suggestively and led him into the bedroom. He pushed Drew on the bed and sat on his legs. He bent down and kissed his incredibly sexy husband who he hadn't seen in three whole weeks. Drew was quick to pull Rick's sweatpants down before he pulled his own off. "Someone eager." Rick said as he ran a hand across Drew's chest. Before he knew it, Rick was inside him. He missed the feeling of being with his husband. When they finished, Rick laid down next to Drew and kissed his hand. "I love you." Rick said lovingly. "I love you too." Drew replied before straddling Rick and placing a long, passionate kiss to his lips. They got in bed and cuddled into a tight hug to keep themselves warm.

They were woken up the next morning by Bri laying down next to them. Rick realized neither of them had clothes on and asked if Bri would step out while he changed. She agreed and stepped out as Rick threw a pair of sweatpants at Drew. He pulled them on and pulled a shirt over his head before pulling one over Drew's head. He got back in bed and told her she could come back in. She laid in between them. "What's up?" Rick asked, as Drew had gone back to sleep. "I don't know. I just missed you guys I guess." She said quietly. She hadn't been able to have a real conversation with them since they found out about her cutting herself. Rick put his arm around her and kicked Drew in the leg. He sat up and looked around. Brianna couldn't help but laugh. "Hey when did you get here?" Drew asked as he kissed Bri on the forehead. "Just a minute ago." She said as she looked at her hands. She couldn't bring herself to look either of them in the eye after what she put them through. They decided not to push her and make her do things until she was ready.

They watched some tv before Rick received a phone call. "Hello?" He said calmly. "Hi. This is the counselor from Brianna's school. I was looking for Rick Lincoln." She said through the phone. "This is he." He said slightly annoyed. "We notice Bri has been out for quite a while and we just wanted to know how she was doing." She said with and uplifting tone. "It should all be in her file. If it's not, I can fax her medical chart to you." He told her. "No we have her chart. But you and your husband have to go to court and explain it to a judge." She said. "Ok." He said before he hung up. He was so angry, Drew could tell something was wrong. "Babe?" He asked cautiously. "Brianna will you give us a minute?" Drew asked calmly. She nodded and stepped out.

"What's wrong?" Drew asked as he wrapped his arms around his husband. Rick looked him in the eyes and the anger practically melted away. "That was Brianna's school. They told us we have to go to court and explain why she has missed so much school recently." Rick said as he tensed up. "Hey. Look at me. We will be fine. I can explain everything if you want." Drew said as he placed a kiss to his husbands cheek. "No I don't want to put all of that on you." He replied as he pulled Drew in for a passionate kiss. Brianna knocked on the door before she walked in. She sat in between them again. "I'm sorry." she said as she put her head in her hands. "For what baby?" Drew asked as he and Rick wrapped their arms around her. "For everything! This all happened because of me!" She sobbed as she tried to get up. Rick and Drew pulled her back down. "Honey, you didn't do anything wrong. You were hurting and you did what you thought was best." Rick told her lovingly. "No! Both of you almost died because of me! Because I exist!" She cried. Drew and Rick had tears in their eyes. "Don't you dare say that again. Do you understand me?" Rick said aggressively. She looked his tear streaked face and nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She repeated as they pulled her into a tight hug.

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