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A/N: warning this will have some if you cant handle it then just skip to my other story which introduces them..Jeweled doll..thank you very much.

It was early morning on the edge of the misty mountain range..sun was rising in the east as it did every morning. The sky filled with the beautiful colors of pinks and soft purples as stars faded before the emerging sun upon the horizon. The forest that laid along the edge of the mountain range was slowly waking as the soft fog lifted from its lowly slumber , releasing its chilly hold upon the land once again to the morning. Deer made their way gently through the trees nibbling on the fresh dewy grass as the fawns frolicked, stretching thier legs from slumbering next to thier parents in the night...suddenly a scream shattered the peace and made the deer bolt for safety.A lone orc was hunting and nothing wanted to be in its path..another scream filled the air..a womans, filled with fear and pain.

"Get back flea bitten dog..or ill cut off your reason for breeding..son of a she cur." a small woman stood with her feet apart holding a dagger in each hand staring at the orc as it drew closer to her. He lifted his nose in the air smelling it and then lowered it as he smiled at her evily.

" nice. " he said with a chilling laugh. " Im going to enjoy this ..dwarf.. killing you and that whelp behind you." he started advancing again. The dwarf braced herself ..praying that she didnt falter..she had to fight so her daughter could live. He got closer as the woman tried to lunge for him..he swerved to the right away from her dagger pathetic.. and right into the path of an arrow that was shot from the child that was behind her, into his throat. He fell down gurgling on his own blood..the light in his confused eyes fading fast... he swung his club with the last of his dying strength at the womans legs and heard a most satifying crack as she screamed and fell to the earth in agony...then he died.

"Momma!" the little dwarfling cried as she rushed over to her mother who was gasping and holding her leg that had been broken. "Momma.. please scared." She knelt there next to her crying hard as her mother slowly reached up with one hand touching the childs head trying to soothe her.

"Shhh..its ok ..miz berch( my daughter).. ill be fine..just help me up...lets get out of here before others show up." She took a deep breath and using the childs shoulders levered herself up off the ground trying to contain a scream as they hobbled away from the orc body..putting as much distance between them and it. They traveled for several miles before she couldnt take the agony anymore and collapsed onto the ground. The girl whimpered as her mother fell to the ground. There was a cry of rage in the distance..orcs..they had found thier dead comrade and were furious. The woman knew they would be found soon..looking at her frightened daughter she knew what she had to do.

"Listen love. You have to go..before they find you."The child started to shake her head in denial." You must run..far as you can.. dont look must go." the woman started to push the girl away trying to force her to go.With one last push as she roared at the girl "RUN..NOW!" the child jumped up and ran as fast as she could with tears stinging her eyes, through the eerie forest as the sound of orcs drew closer.


The sound of hooves filled the forest air as a large dwarf made his way along a trail..when suddenly there was the sound of orc screams filling the air making him pause and listen as he pulled his axe off his back from its place. He looked around searching for the direction it was coming from when without any warning a dwarfling burst through some bushes crying hard as she ran. She had dark reddish hair that was bound in a single braid down her back and her clothes looked like it had seen better days. Upon seeing him she stopped ..staring at him with fear and whimpering as she started to back up from him.

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