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southern Rhudaur..close to The Angle

It had been a few days since Dwalin saved Amari and Kita from the orcs and they were finally making it out of the forest that laid on the southern edge of The Great East Road, heading for the nearest village in the region of The Angle. These few villages located here were inhabited by Dunedains and rangers of the north..humans..but they at least had healers that could help Amari's leg. Dwalin wasnt sure what he was going to do when they reached this village..he should leave them there so they could rebuild thier life over, but the thought left a very bad taste in his mouth and a heaviness in his stomach. For some reason he wanted them to continue on with him to his home and possibly stay...forever ...a small voice whispered in his mind making him shake his head. After all she had been through how could he ask that of her.. how could she trust another man again...especially a stranger... but thats what he wished for. As it became close to evening, when they had to stop for one last time before reaching the village, Dwalin looked around for a good spot to camp..finding only a clearing ..and he started to get a fire going and setting up the camp.

Amari and Kita were just spooning out the stew into bowls when they heard a sound ..rustling of bushes..and her heart began to pound in fear. Dwalin stood up with his axe and sword at the ready to battle whatever was there and Amari quickly grabbed her dagger while Kita readied her bow.

"Show yurself now or face me wrath!" Dwalins growl was feirce and chilling...but not to the women who knew they were safe. "Come on step out unless yur a coward." a voice that calmly spoke to them.

" Be not afraid..i mean you no harm." A man stepped out from the bushes..human..holding his hands up in a gesture of meaning no harm . He had dark hair that reached his shoulders..his clothes were grey in color with a green long coat over it and a darker green cloak that was held by a six pointed cloak clasp together over that. "Im just a traveler ..like yourself wishing to warm myself by your fire. " he stepped far enough into the light for them to see but not close enough to alarm and waited to see what would happen. It was Dwalin who first recognized the man..or at least what he was.. and he lowered his weapons while signaling for Amari and Kita to do the same.

"Yur a ranger from these parts i guess." The man nodded as he lowered his hands to his side.

"Im called Thorn... master dwarf." he bowed a little at the waist with his hand over his heart in respect to them."May i please warm myself by your fire..if only for a bit." Dwalin looked over to Amari and seeing her acceptance he motioned with his head to Thorn ..as he went to her side sitting closer , not sheathing his weapons but keeping them close at hand.

"Im Dwalin...this is Amari and Kita" Thorn inclined his head towards each.Amari spoke to him while glancing at Dwalin .. " would you like to join us in our meal Mr. Thorn?" She saw Dwalins approval out of the corner of her eye and felt warmed by it.

"Thank you lady.. i am truly hungery and the food smells wonderful." she spooned everyone a bowl and they all ate the meal .During the meal she noticed hte rangers eyes would glance her way briefly then back down to his food...until finally he spoke. "I cant help noticing that you are injured..might i be of assitance in payment of your hospitality?" Amari looked to Dwalin to see what he thought as he turned to her.

"You wont find better help out here in the wilds ..rangers are well known for thier abilities in these matters..but its up to you." seeing her give the go ahead Thorn went over to her side as she delicately moved her skirt up enough so he could see her leg better. Knowing he could see the scars ..but ignoring them he lightly examined her calf..then reaching into his pouch at his side he pulled out some herbs. Seeing the curious look on her face he kindly smiled at her...Athelas , kingsfoil.. then placed the herbs onto her leg and rewrapping it back up. He moved back to his spot across the way as she felt a slight tingle in her leg. He asked how it happened and she gave him the edited version of the fight with the orcs.

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