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Beyoncé: halo song

Bree~1 month

It had been a month since Grawlin was born and they still were in the town of Bree..but as of tomorrow they would finally be on their way to the Blue mountains..and soon to be home. Amari and Kita were cleaning and packing all their stuff up ,for the trip,from all over the room that Dwalin had rented for them at one of the inns extended stay rooms that they had hoping they didnt miss anything. It was a small room , situated a bit away from the main building, but it served its purpose for the duration of thier stay..giving them a roof over thier heads, it had aplace for them to cook meals, and a place to sleep away from all the crowds over in the inn. After Grawlins birth Dwalin went out and found a job helping out the local blacksmith so they had money to pay for the room..working hard from sun up to sun down coming back to thier room into Amaris waiting arms each day..proving that he could provide for them ..as per dwarf courting customs.

They didnt do them in the correct order but it didnt matter to either of them..they at least were following them..which for Amari was a new experience for her. Skotik didnt follow any of the courting rituals.. he didnt show he respected her, he didnt protect her whatsoever, nothing...the only thing he did was braid her hair and that was only in front of her parents. He barely provided for the them..they were constantly missing meals because most of the time he drank thier money away..it was because of this that Kita and her learned how to hunt for any food they could find.

With Dwalin it was all so different...he showed he could protect them and did on a regular basis on this journey...first with the orcs, then taking care of her and Kita all during this trip..and finally when she went into labor. He constantly showed he trusted her in so many ways...entrusting the money he earned everyday into her keeping ( also showing he could provide by earning the money), sleeping next to her each night ( leaving himself open to harm in his most defenseless state) and in other small meaningless ways except to her. They both even felt they had given each other the greatest gift of all..he gave them a home that was safe for her to raise her children up in and she gave him a son..maybe not of his blood,but he didnt care about that..to carry on his name sake and to pass on his knowledge to. Dwalin even made it known that Kita and Amari were his by braiding both of thier hairs and placing his own personal bead design in them..even now Amari could see the glint of silver in Kitas hair..it was a lovely piece that had interconnected rings design on it that swung about on her front braid...Amaris was made of gold but held the same design.The only thing left was to meet his family ..which was the only thing that scared her..and then they could marry , becoming one permantly.

As she was thinking about him she heard the stomping of his boots as he cleared them of debris before entering thier abode...smiling at the lovely sight that greeted him. Amari making her way to him with her welcoming arms awaiting to embrace him as she did everyday..Kita holding Grawlin in her arms smiling happily and shouting out " Welcome home daddy!" ..the best sight and sound to ever greet him each evening...and it was all his..his family.

As he entered he enfolded Amari into his arms and kissed her tenderly on the lips for a moment before releasing her to hold out his arms for Kita who instantly went to him for a big hug.He stood there in the doorway with one arm holding his one love and the other holding his family to him ..feeling his heart swell with the love he hadnt realized was missing from his life till they came along.

"Welcome home amralime." Amari hugged him then turned around going back to finishing dinner that was almost ready.


2 months pass..outside of Thorins gate

It was late afternoon in Ered Luin, the sun was slowly making its way down over towards the western horizon , getting ready to set and allow the stars to make their way out into the soon dark sky. There was a soft breeze blowing making the leaves on the ground swirl into a slow dance across the path that lead down to the homes that dotted the landscape of Thorins Halls. Dwarven children were running around playing for the last time before they were called in for dinner...the older dwarves were seen making thier way back home from working all day. The smells of dinners cooking over the fires were abundant in the air...as a small group made thier way down the path towards a home in the distance within the Halls land.

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