Two: Aincrad

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"Okay, we have to put this on together," Kazuto told me over the phone.

I readied my Nerve Gear, plugging it in and activating it. Both of us have successfully carried the operation of shipping it to our houses and hiding it from our parents (it was a challenge since Mom looks all over the place for my homework).

"Dude, dude are you listening?" Kazuto asked.

"Yeah—just thinking," I answered wearily, "You ready?"

"Born ready, let's go," he agreed, "To the world of Sword Art Online!"

Kazuto hung up and I drew a deep breath. He was right, I should try and ignore my negative thoughts. I grabbed the helmet and stared at it for a while before slowly adjusting it on my head and closing my eyes.

I felt no different. My fingers still felt pretty real. Slowly, I reached out and activated the device then opened my eyes. It said: L O G I N P L A Y E R.

So I did. I entered my account and password before I stopped at the tab where I was supposed to write my username. What could it be? I love my old gamer one: White_Lightning. But I think I should go different.

"Takumo," I decided, "My username is Takumo."

I pressed enter and for a minute there, the game loaded and I felt a little shaky and scared of what might happen next. All it said was:

The screen brightened a little and I blinked as a world formed around me

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The screen brightened a little and I blinked as a world formed around me. It was crazy. Almost as if I was still in my world—the real world. Except it's a little...different.

I looked around the area. It was epic. The fact that I'm still in real life but my brain is somewhere else. I was still wearing my old clothes: a navy blue shirt, white hoodie and grey jeans but I had an empty sheath on my belt. Guessing that this is where my sword should go.

"Oh yeah," I smirked, "Gamer to the next level."

Now all I had to do was look for Kazuto. He was going to be around here somewhere...and that would be impossible to do since there were hundreds of thousands of people around the pavilion, talking and introducing themselves.

I blinked a little and walked forwards. Everyone here wasn't a professional. Some were though since me and Kaz were late bloomers in buying the game.

I walked to a crowd of people who seemed to know what they were doing and I opened my mouth to talk to them.

"H-Hi, I'm Tar—" I stopped, knowing that this is a virtual world and that I need to say my username and not use my real name, "I-I'm Takumo and I'm sorta new here. Have you guys seen my friend? He's sort of rash and stubborn, black hair, about my height?"

"He's new too?" A guy asked.

I nodded, making him point to the left at another crowd, "All of them are level one. Go see if he might be there."

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