Chapter 1

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Hi there! Im Sam and im crazy right now because im covered in cheesecake and Uncle Maskys trying to calm uncle hoodie down cause....hes screaming.... yup. But hi, Im 7 years old and

..well you know what? Lets go to the beginning! All the way to the beginning of my story, it starts on my 6th birthday party where everything begins..


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sam, happy birthday to you! Yay!!" I blew the candles from my cake and giggled with happiness as everyone yelled 'Yay!' and 'Horray'.

"What did you wish for sweet heart?" my mommy asked and I said, "Thats a secret mommy! If I tell you then it wont come true." "Ah, thats very true. Now why dont we open the presents? Here, open me and daddys present first, we hope you like it sweetie!" My mommy told me and I smiled excitingly at my daddy and mommy then looked at the present and it had holes...wierd.. I took the lid off and a puppy jumped out.

" Haha! Cute puupy! Thank you mommy, thank you daddy!" I yelled as I tried to get the puppy to calm down. "No problem dear, now why dont you go play upstairs in your room her name going to be?" "Oh its a girl? Hmmmmmmm... Taffy!" "Alright then, good name, you and taffy go up to your room now and you'll open presents tomorrow because its already late, okay?" "Ok mommy!"

I went to my room carrying my puppy and then closed the door. I got some blankies from my closet and put them on the corner of the room into a mountain pile and then put taffy right there all cozy. Taffy looks sleepy so I'll let her sleep. But I was sleepy to so maybe I should go to sleep too. I turned the lamp off next to my bed and went to sleep.

My Big Brother Laughing JackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz