Chapter 2

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-Two days later to the weekend-

I got my favorite doll, Mr.Carrot and then my tea party things and went outside to the yard where my table and chairs are.

When I went outisde, at the door there was a toy. It wasnt mine because it was a jack-in-the-box and I dont have one. I picked it up and kept walking to my table. When I got there, I put everything down and gave tea to Mr.Carrot. and put the toy at the table.

"Hmmm, looks spooky, but lets play with it because its a toy, right Mr.Carrot?" I looked at Mr.Carrot and pretended like he nodded then turned the stick and the song played. I whistled it and then when it was going to pop up...nothing came out..."Aww its broken!" I got mad and threw the box at the grass.

"Whatever, lets have a tea party! Alri-"

"Hehehehehe...tea party? Wonderful, May I join you Sam?"

I turned my head fast and saw a scary black and white clown that was scary and screamed then ran as fast as I could inside my house. "Oh no! I forgot Mr.Carrot!" "Who?" I turned again and saw that clown "AHHHH!!!!" I ran out of the closet I was hiding in and then ran to my mommy and daddys room and went under the bed. "Phew, Im safe now-" "I love this game, what do you call it?" "AHHHH" I ran fast again, why is he still here?! I ran to the kitchen and opened the fridge and tried to fit in there . (<----- Face it, We've all tried this XD) "Oh its so cold.But at least he wont get me..."

"Sammy...Oh sammy!!! Where are you??? Come out, come out wherever you are!! Id like to play a game with you hehehe." I closed my eyes and yelled, "No!" Oh no....."Hehehe, there you are..."I heard him come closer then open the fridge. "AGH GET AWAY FROM ME! MOMMY!!!" I started screaming and crying as he picked me up then everything went black.


Poor girl, oh well~! Shes going to die soon anyways and then it'll be on to the next kid. I took her to the mansion where I will torture her to death hehe.

I put her in chains in a room and placed her on the floor. I was going to go get some tools but she had to wake up now huh?

"...Mommy? Where am I? Mommy?! MOMMY?!" Then she started crying and something about her crying made me sad...Oh god, LJ stop! No! Your going to kill her and thats final!

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