Her; Bilbo

801 14 3

request by: Cap-Ton

3rd person's POV:

Dwarves everywhere! Bloody hell he was confused and angry as he tried to keep up with the stomps and shouts in his house. He huffed as every corner he turned there was a laughing dwarf that was messing his house ornaments, gulping down all his ale and ruining his carpet, he nearly fainted when they had almost broke his mother's vase.


"Oh...oh no. There will be no more ruckus and noise in my house! Whoever you are you need be a hobbit or I will not let you in" he screamed as he opened the door, to be met by a fair lady, dressed in dark green trousers and a button up black shirt as your waist was decorated with daggers, neatly arranged across your belt as your cloak and hood hid your eyes, your mouth turned up into a small smirk as you were seemingly staring the hobbit down.

"Afraid, you'll have to let me in, Master Baggins, my business is with the wizard and if you won't well, we'll have a bit of trouble here" your smirk only grew as he gulped and let you in.

The dwarves that was once shouting and singing in joy stopped as you stepped into view, you smirk never went off your face as you hung your cloak neatly behind your chair that you sat on, you crossed your legs as every single dwarf analyzed you, a bit wary and suspicious.

"Yeah, so a person needs to adjust? Hi, hello welcome, what would you need?" you mocked as you snorted a chuckle.

"Alright, that is quite enough taunting, lady y/n" Gandalf huffed, unimpressed although a ghost of a smile was etched unto his face.

"So it is y/n" Bilbo was the first to speak. And you grinned as you got food and popped it in your mouth.

"Lady, y/n, if you please" you tipped your head in amusement as the dwarves seemingly looked like statues, stoned to their spot.

"Why do we have a human in our company? Let alone a girl?" a voice spoke and you turned your head, seeing it came from a dark haired dwarf and you raise your brow in amusement and in challenge as gandalf sighed with a roll of his eyes. "Here we go again" the wizard muttered under his breath.

"Who said I would be joining you freaks? I am only here because he requested me to," you point to Gandalf as he huffs his pipe whilst he watched "I wouldn't stay in a room with you, even if it meant my life was on the line, your scent alone would kill me" you finished as you took a bite out of an apple you found

The dwarves were quiet and they broke into laughter as the dwarf you spoke to was beet red. "I like her!" a blonde haired one had called to you and you grinned

"Who wouldn't?" you winked and stood to walk over bilbo while the other dwarves went their own business.

"Hey, any chance you have meat? I'm starving" you called to him and he stammered

"U-Uhh, yes, the uh um, the kitchen is that way, h-help yourself" he says and you grin while ruffling his fluffy hair before walking the way he pointed.

"Thank you master hobbit!" you grinned a flirty smile as you winked at him before disappearing in the kitchen while he blushed a beet red.

"You like her" a brown haired dwarf, which he remembered as kili, nudged his side as his brother laughed out loud when he took the hobbit's other side. "N-no I don't" the hobbit declared quite confidently until they both laughed.

"Your red face says otherwise, master boggins" kili grinned as he walked away with his brother.

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