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Max is 58 years old and sees Emma as his grandchild
Rays POV
  "EMMA" Ray said yelling out of top of his lungs. Then that's when he heard his alarm it has been almost 2 years since he last seen Emma. Ray is now 18 years old. Ray got ready to meet with the others at Norman's secret hideout.
"God dammit nothing again where can she be". Ray says slamming the table with angry and frustration. Everybody know that Ray and Emma liked each other but, they never confessed.
"Calm down ray we will find I am sure of it" Norman said. "We are so close to finding her".
" I know I know I'm going outside to get some fresh air". Ray started to walk to the park to get his mind off things little did he knew Phil was following him.  As ray made it to the park he sat under a tree and started to look at the sky. "I know your there Phil come here". " So what happened Phil you want to talk about it". Phil nodded.  " I want her to come Ray I miss her a lot why would she go this far just to save us". Phil hugs ray and started to cry loud sobs were coming out of his mouth.  "Sorry ray for crying on you" Ray grabbed Phil and hugged him and that made Phil cry even harder.  "It's okay Phil you can cry on me as much as you want I miss her too I promise he will get her back" Ray was smoothing his hair while he was crying he shushed him until he fell to sleep.  Ray wanted to punch something out he couldn't bring himself to do it.  So ray carried Phil back to Norman's hideout and he placed him on the couch. 
" Ray have you seemed Phil please tell me that you have seen him" Gilda was panting out of breath breath.  Ray pointed were Phil was and he was sleeping soundly.  "Oh thank goodness". Gilda sighed in relief.  Then all of the sudden all the little kids started to run to him. " What happened guys Norman found the place where Emma might be in he said for sure that is the place where Emma is" Thoma said.  Ray was shocked he started to run to Norman's office and asked him where this place might be. " The place isn't to far from where it's about 30 minutes away but, I don't want you to go by your self that's why we are all going it is better if we stay in groups this might be it ray we might able to see her again". " What time do we leave". "First thing tomorrow morning".  Ray was excited he wanted to smile but we didn't want to show it so he left to tell everyone they should go home.  As they arrived to the house ray went to his room and tried to sleep but he couldn't wait to find Emma tomorrow everyone was excited that they couldn't fall asleep.
Emma's POV
" Good morning max " she said with a bright smile.  "Morning Emma I see that your energetic as always". "Yup" she started to laugh.  It's been two years since she stayed with max but she couldn't remember where she came from and  she didn't remember any body. The only thing that she had left was a necklace she never took it off and she feels something in her heart that dah can't describe it's like she has a missing family but can't remember them."Emma let's go to town today I heard it was going to be sunny".  "Ok I'm going to get ready".  She started to run into her room. "Wait ugh never-mind go get ready than". I hope she can find her family and remember them he thought.  As Emma and max arrived to town to get some groceries and other stuff.  " Hey max can we go to this store". " Sure".
We finally arrived to the town good thing we took the bus it was way faster then walking.  Gilda, Ray and Don were in a group together.  After 5 hours the group gives up for today but Ray on the other hand wants to keep looking for a little bit longer.  "Guys we should be going it's already 5:23 the sun so going down sun he should meet up with the others" Gilda said.  As there walking to meet with the others ray wanted to keeping looking until he heard a voice it said " don't give up ray Emma is near" as he heard what he was told he turned around and started running Gilda told me to stop but he ignored her he walked past a store he could've sworn he saw a girl with messy orange hair so he went back to check it out it was her.  They finally found her. Ray rushed inside the store and tap on her shoulder.  " Emma we finally found you idiot". He smiled for the first time in forever he smiled.

Well thank you for reading this story I am very sorry for my grammar but hopeful you guys enjoyed this story. By the way this is the first story I am writing.

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