If You Get Injured Badly

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Kaeya ❄️
- Will carry you in his arms but is shaking a bit.
- Will joke about your injuries
but it's freaking out inside.
- After your treated he will get clingy
- WAY to clingy ✋❤️
- Tells you not to make him worry
or else he might as well stay by your side the whole time ✨💗

Diluc 🔥
- Takes care of whatever or whoever hurt you
that badly but 10x worse.
- Is scared to death about losing you 🥺
- Does not like when someone else
has to treat you because he doesn't trust them.
- Cuddles you the whole time afterwards ❤️
- Checks up on you a whole BUNCH
and makes you food ✨

- Get both angry and sad
- Will fight off whatever or whoever hurt you
- Does not but I mean DOES
NOT let anyone treat your wounds other than him
- Won't let you out of his sight
- Wants to cuddles you but is to scared to hurt you 🥺

- Get more serious ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
- Tries to make you feel better by making small jokes
- Heals you up himself
- Doesn't show it but he was hurt knowing you were hurt
- Gives you amor of kisses where you got injured tell you to be more careful 🥺❤️
- Super happy when your healed up 💗


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Your Wish is my command ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ💗

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