Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 19

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Dedicated to Elethewombat again because, well, she's totally amazing and will not admit it, and is one of my best friends. And she also dedicated a chapter of My Midnight Boy to me, saying many a lovely thing :3 (and she got set on fire in history ;) ) x

Enjooooy! :) xxx



All I could see was blood - everywhere. It covered my hands and stained the white fabric of my shirt and trousers, making them stick to my skin like I’d bathed in it. The cloying, metallic scent of it surrounded me and caught in the back of my throat, thick on my tongue. Yet I was powerless to stop it. There was nothing I could do. Alexander just wasn’t healing quickly enough.

As I pressed another fresh scrap of fabric onto his wound, he didn’t even flinch. My heart faltered for a second as I realised what was happening. Abandoning my futile efforts with the cloth, I pressed my shaking fingers against his throat, just under his jaw, where his skin had become clammy and cold. I felt his pulse flutter like a dying butterfly under my fingertips and my own heart did the same in my chest. He wasn’t going to make it.

An agonised, keening moan tore through the silence that pressed down around us, and it was mine.

I shot up, the cry still echoing in my pounding head. My vision swirled and everything was black. Nothing made sense and nothing was rooted. Was I alive? What was going on?

Suddenly, the spinning halted and I was pulled into a comforting embrace. A familiar, warm scent curled around me as soothing words were whispered in my ear. Realising that I was trembling like a leaf, I pressed myself closer into Sally’s arms and let her rock me like a child. Just like my mother used to, Sally’s fingers stroked over my knotted hair calmingly.

“Shh, honey,” she whispered gently, “It’s all ok. You’re safe now.”

It was just a nightmare. I took a deep breath to clear the haze in my head and let my body relax against her side. My heart, however, refused to stop hammering against my ribcage. “Where are we?” I asked, my voice still thick with sleep.

Her breath tickled the top of my head as she sighed gently. “I’m not exactly sure, honey. On the way home, if what Sam has told me is right,” she smiled, “But we must have travelled miles on foot whilst you were out. We were worried sick about you. Until now you hadn’t moved once. Alex still hasn’t.”

Alex. The name sent a jolt through me, slicing quickly through the haze in my brain like a knife, and a hundred horrid memories flooded back. Needles. Blank white walls. My body writhing at the pain of a shock. Camille screaming. The scent of burning curling down my throat, wrapping me in a deadly embrace. Simon’s hazel eyes pleading to be rescued. Glass cutting into my skin. Blood that I couldn’t stop flowing. Jimmy prowling closer. The blackness pulling me under. Alexander.

I jumped in the safe cage of Sally’s arms. “Where is he?” I asked, panicked. My eyes searched the darkness around us, but we were alone. “Did he make it? He’s not... gone, is he?” My throat tightened painfully, as did my hands around her arms.

“No, no! Of course not! He’s going to make it through, I promise you. He’s a strong boy,” she replied, sky blue eyes full of honesty.

The panic lessened a little in my chest, but I still had to see for myself. I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Where is he? Can I see him, please?”

“He’s just beside you,” she said, releasing her arms from around me, “I’m sure he’ll wake up soon. My husband’s the herd’s doctor, you know, so you can trust my word.” She smiled softly, and I tried to suppress a shiver of worry that rose up despite her reassurances.

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