Prologue Part 1 An Illusioned Life

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Author's notes

I'd like to get 2 things clear.

1) This is not canon to anything.

2) None of the pictures I use are mine.

The only exception is my own OC's pictures, which I own myself.



Aura's narration

Have you ever lived a life full of mystery and unanswered questions?

How did you feel whenever your childhood was shattered by what reality really is?

It can often scare many when it's shown...while others revert to anger or denial.

For me, I didn't know what to feel.

I had been emotionally tortured for all of my youth, yet now my sadness and rage are absent.

How was my life?


It started when I was born from my parents, Orion and Lyra.

To most, it looked like what every other version of me went through, but two things were different.

1) I was born with a mark on my chest that none knew.

2) I never saw who murdered my parents, leaving their deaths a mystery.

From there, I was brought in by the old master Ki, who raised and trained me to be an honorable ninja.

My life was mostly isolated to the valley our monastery was in, either protecting it or training.

My sensei forbade me from going out at night on a blood moon or on Halloween night.

For some reason, the reason for staying inside was because of my birthday....which was never told to me on why.

I was born October 31st on a full purple moon.

What is that strange sight?

Basically it's a blood moon that is affected by one "League of Nightmares" magic spells.

The magic connected with my life force, which was blue, and used the moon as a way to tie me to whoever did it.

Hence, I'm the reason our dimension has the Purple Moon phenomenon.

Unfortunately, the ninja clan I was raised in fell...and somewhat was my fault.

I went on a reconnaissance mission Ki gave me, but I accidentally gave myself away when one of my shurikens missed.

After returning home, the enemy somehow managed to follow me here.......but no tracking devices were found on me.

The "Purge of Adabat" lasted a year, resulting in my entire clan dead.......including my sensei.

My close friends, Suzuki and Tanya, met mysterious deaths, with no one the wiser as to what killed them.

I was banished by Lord Rai after a brutal defeat, supposedly to never return.

But then I met new friends who saved me from near death...

...and immediately helped me turn the tide against Lord Rai, ending his tyranny for good.

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