Prologue Part 3 The Supernatural Split

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Aura's narration

I couldn't believe what I saw. I just couldn't believe it.

My whole life was a lie, and everyone, even the now dead Espio, knew it.

I thought the main issue with the world was politics and war, but it's not.

Not only did I see the true world in the span of a few hours, but I lost one of my friends in the process of learning it.

And not just that, but that all of the world's issues with monsters traced back to me.

If being responsible for a dead clan wasn't enough, now I got the blood of MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people that died whenever they came out under MY purple moon on my hands.

Ki should have told me this so we could have prevented it.

I should have killed myself after defeating Lord Rai, which was a choice of one life over countless others.

Now the world is at risk of eternal darkness if any of them get their hands on me.

The big confrontation begins at midnight...


Normal POV

Green Hill


Aura tries to catch his breath after an hour of fleeing from the battle between the hunters and Shadow.

He had no idea where to go next.

Could he hide on an island?

No. Tails could reach him as his "normal" self, while Shadow, Rouge, Cream and Vanilla could just fly.

Maybe a mountain range will work?

No. Sonic, Amy and Sally could all reach him by climbing.

Is the Arctic Circle an option?

No. Blaze and Silver would probably reach him with fire power and immunity respectively.

The only other option was space, which Planet Wisp would be the most hospitable planet.

Unfortunately, Tails could just take himself and other monsters with him on the Blue Typhoon.

Plus the Wisps won't do much or any to stop them from getting to him.

It was getting hopeless....but maybe there was one final escape option...


If he killed himself now, the purple moon would cease to exist, giving humanity an edge over the monsters.

Thankfully, there was cliff nearby that wasn't very stable at the edge.

All he had to do was get to the end and let gravity do the work.

After that, humanity would be free from tyrants like Shadow.

Aura makes his way towards the cliff, ready to end his own suffering and the world's torment.

A female voice calls out to him. "Aura! Don't do it!"

He turns to see it was Sally who gave that plea to him, who was accompanied by Sonic and Amy.

Amy agreed with her. "You can't just do it because Shadow and others are after you! Let us help you!"

Aura glares at them as Tails arrived alongside them. "All of you knew that this world was full of monsters and none of you told me! You could have warned me so we could avoid this!"

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