DCS, Runaways, and Hurricanes

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I was sitting on an unfinished deck by JJ. My brother was balancing on the roof of the unfinished house on one leg. John B took a sip of his Prb and continued to balance on one leg.

"That's what a three story fall to the deck?" Pope says a bit concerned to my brother. "I give you about a one and three chance of survival," Pope continued to mess with the nail gun.

"Should I do it?" My brother asked as he looked down at us.

"Yes do it," I whispered to JJ and he just chuckled lightly.

Pope pointed the nail gun and John B and said, "Yeah you should jump, and i'll shoot you on the way down."

"Your going to shoot me?" Jo asked knowing he was joking.

"Yep." Pope replied back and John B used his fingers to make a gun and acted like he was shooting Pope.

Kiara came out of the house roaming from inside, "There going to have Japanese toilets with towel warmers."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Of course they are, why wouldn't they?"

Kiara walked over to me and Jj and sat beside me, "This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles I guess."

"I can't have cold towels," JJ added and I hit his arm lightly and laughed a little.

"Can you please not kill yourself." Kiara looked at John b on the roof and smiled.

"Don't spill that beer," JJ took a sip of his beer. "I'm not giving you another one."

A gust of wind came out of nowhere and knocked Jo's beer out of his hand. "Woah, oh shit."

"Of course you did like right when I told you know to." Jj rolled his eyes and started to trace shapes on my leg and I took a sip of his beer.

"Ughhh, nooo." Jo yelled from the roof reaching down for his beer.

Pope looked over the edge of the deck to the side of the house. "Hey!" A familiar man yelled.

"Ugh security's here, let's wrap it up." Pope walked inside the house.

"Let's go Kayla, boys are here early today." JJ warmed me as he helped me get down from the deck.

"Alright, let's go guys." Kiara walked into the house after Pope.

JJ leaned over the side of the house and looked at the security guards, "Gary is that you?"

I tugged on JJ's shirt trying to get him to come with us, "JJ come on, we don't have time for this."

We all ran inside the house and downstairs to the garage. One of the guards grabbed me but JJ pulled me away from him. "Sorry not much of a hugger." I shrugged my shoulder and kept following behind the JJ and Pope.

Jj and I ran outside to the fence and it was far to high for me to jump, "Go Kayla, go!" Jj yelled behind me.

"JJ I can't it's to tall for me to jump." JJ jumped over and then helped me over. "Pope go!" Pope tried to jump it but he fell.

"Come on, get up Pope we have to keep going." JJ hit Popes back lightly and Pope got us and kept running.

Gary ran up to the gate and was about to jump it, "Come here you little pricks!" He yelled after us. But JJ and I kept running.

"Come on guys, bus is here." John B pulled up with the van and JJ, Pope and I got in.

"Check it out guys, Gary's gunin' for a raise." Pope pointed out the man out of breathe.

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