Redfield, Hidden Messages, and High Times

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We all got in the van and I sat in the back with JJ and Pope. JJ put his arm around me and pulled me into his chest and Pope looked at us confused.

"When did this happen?" He asked pointing at JJ and I.

Kiara looked back at us, "Hey, no. You guys know the rules." She told us.

I rolled my eyes and lightly chuckled.

"I mean it's obvious, right?" I say as John B focused on the road.

"A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was going to get back to us right?" John B says.

"Yeah it's possible." Kie tells John B.

John B looked back at Pope, "It could also be possible that you two are concocting wild theories to help," Pope paused and I rolled my eyes. "You know deal with your sad feels." He continued.

"Bro, you know how I process my sad feels. Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that's how I do it." JJ says and I take John B's hat, put it over my face, and fall asleep in JJ's arms.

Kiara looked back at JJ and I, "Is she asleep?"
She asked.

"Yes, so be quiet." JJ tells her.

"You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish, and then have know idea what happened." John B tells everyone else.

John B parked the van in front of the lighthouse and got out.

John B grabbed his hat and JJ shook me lightly, "Kayla, wake up. We're getting out." He says and I look up at him.

The rest of us got out and we walked up to the fence. "Alright, you're gonna post up and look for bogeys, okay?" John B told JJ.

"Wait..  Why me?" JJ asked John B.

"Because your not coming." Pope tells JJ.

I rolled my eyes and looked at both of them. "Okay neither of you are going. Jb, Kie, you two go and i'll stay here with these two." I tell John B.

"Okay if we get split up, meet back at JJ's house." John B tells us.

Kiara and John B hopped the fence of the lighthouse and walked in.

"I'm working on my scholarship essay and i'm trying to keep my felonies to a minimum." Pope says and I laughed lightly and kicked the hacky sack at JJ.

"Pope will you just shut up already?" I asked him. JJ and I played Hacky Sack for a few minutes, "JJ you suck at this." I tell him.

"Oh yeah, well you suck other things. Oh, shit! I mean you suck at other things." JJ says and pope has a blank expression on his face.

JJ and I play for a few more minutes, then we heard sirens.

I looked around the trees and saw police cars. "Shit!" I yelled.

Pope, JJ, and I ran to the van. I got in the driver seat and the van wouldn't start.

"Go! Kayla, go!" Pope yelled as he held on to the back of JJ's seat.

"Pope i'm trying." I tell him. The van finally started and I pulled off to the road and drove to JJ's house.

We made it to JJ's house and Pope, JJ, and I sat on his porch eating on Kiara and John B to get there.

"JJ?" I asked getting his attention.

"Yes Kayla?" He replied back.

"Do you have anything here?" I added.

Livin' the Life [Discontinued & nit edited]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ