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Dedicated to- fortune_Mitch

I see many girls trying to fit into someone else's definition of beautiful black is the new gold while gold is the new platinum. I see many girls loosing their rhetoric uniqueness because they're better off posing as someone else. I see many girls trying to be savage and mean all the while loosing their humanity and soul. I see a lot of girls trying to be sad or depressed because sadness is the new poetic. I see many girls adopting new identities— foreign ones because somewhere along the line they have lost who they are. I see many girls, so many girls adopting a charade, a symphony of mindsets never truly developing theirs. I see many girls sneering at this even though deep down they know this is them, unfailingly this is them and they want to break out of this cage someone else has put over their precious hearts and beautiful minds. I see many girls like me stumbling along paths already marked out for them too afraid to deviate and I hope, I only hope they find themselves once again.

My "Mind" Is a Circus Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora