Chapter 11 - Jealousy

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Chapter 11 - Jealousy

In her dream it was nighttime and Star stood in a shadow filled room. The lights of a city reflected in her eyes as she stared out a window. The woman, now in her 40s, studied the distant cars and swaying skyscrapers. Her hands were formed into tight fists that pushed against the glass.

Marco, the same age as Star, stepped into the room but did not approach her. He was wearing a finely made black suit. While watching Star from a distance he slowly removed the tie and jacket, placing them on a chair.

The woman sighed. "I told you to get another hotel room. I'm embarrassed and angry and I don't want to dream tonight. Waiting until I was asleep and sneaking in here is not cool."

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to be here...but...since I'm here...I do want to know why you did it." Marco stated calmly.

There was a long pause followed by a pounding of fists against the glass.

"Arrrrrr. Fine! I saw her touching your ass and...and I got jealous...who the hell does she think she is talking up my husband and then touching him! What was she, maybe 20? Wearing a dress that had NO business being outside of a strip club! And yes, I know I overreacted. And yes, I know body checking her into a wall sized painting of Buddha was not ideal. And yes, I'm sure the security cameras caught all of it. And yes I am SOOOOOO looking forward to all the tabloids running with it. Maybe it'll even be used in campaign ads against us. WOO-HOO AWESOME MUSEUM PARTY!" Star pounded her fists on the window again.

Walking up behind her Marco found that he could not get within reach so he sat on the bed that appeared by her side. "What she did was wrong and I was going to tell her it was wrong. But yes, the body check was not an ideal solution."

"Tell me Marco, what did you two talk about? How did she even get the idea that doing something like that would be OK?" The anger in her voice was barely contained.

Marco remained calm. "We were talking about art, she made a comment about me following her to see some nude sculptures, she walked behind me like she was leaving, I felt her hand, and then her face was planted up against Budda's belly. I don't know why she did it. All I know, that was the best blindside body slam I have ever seen. In no way did she see that coming and you got her full on. The museum director said the thousand year old piece was slightly damaged but it was worth it after seeing how epic the hit was."

Her shoulders slumped down and gave a disappointed sigh. "Marco...has this happened to you before? I mean I've seen women try to flirt with you right in front of me and you don't seem to even realize it. I just...I don't remember anyone touching you before."

While putting a hand over her face she turned to look at him. He could see in her eyes that she was now scanning his thoughts like his brain was a set of kitchen cabinets and she needed to find the right sized plastic container lid but everything she found didn't quite fit.

Marco gave her a smirk. "Before you ask, yes my doctor touched my ass but that was part of a prostate health check."

"Ha ha, very funny. I see one. What's with the two monster girls taking a picture with you and asking you out dancing? You never told me about that."

"We were on a bus and I just said that I was busy. I think right afterward you and I met for dinner."

Star was still scanning him for several minutes. "'ve been really good. I had no idea how many...OH THAT INTERN! I knew she was hitting on you! I never liked her." She nodded at him, seemingly satisfied with his actions over the various incidents that she found until she saw one last memory. "Did...did Tom touch your ass?"

Marco had to think about that one for a moment. "Remember we walked to support the Pride Parade and I went as Princess Marco, he acted like it was a complete accident so I believed him. And no, you should not tell Aunty Janna."

Star giggled now. "He did say he always wanted to date his best friend."

Macro reached out to hold her hand but still could not get close enough. "Satisfied now? You know you have always been my world."

They both smiled.

"Anything I need to be worried about?" Marco raised an eyebrow while making a silly face.

She grimaced at the thought. "For your in-fo-mation you have the most dedicated and faithful wife EVER awake or dreaming. And how can you ask that, you know I always complain to you every time someone hits on me. Arrrrr, so many creeps. That limo driver that proposed to me was definitely the worst, no idea what he thought was going to happen there."

Macro nodded. "I don't get it either. But hey, thank you for telling me what happened tonight. I've seen you jealous before but that was like watching a hockey's greatest hits video." After a pause he continued. "I thought about this on the way over...this whole situation makes me wonder, is everything else OK? Are you upset about anything I don't know about?"

Star's attention turned back out the window. "I don't know. And I'm not joking, I really don't know." She shrugged. "I've felt jealous before but normally I can keep it inside. That woman tonight, the look in her eyes, I know this sounds silly but it looked like she was hunting you."

"How about this Star, give me a list of the top 5 things that are bothering you. And not related to work or politics, personal things bothering you."

She thought for a second. "OK. My dad not doing well, I'm thinking about that a lot. The kids not needing us anymore is bothering me. The castle is so different with only the little guy around and he is not little anymore. A few more years and he'll be off to college like the others."

Star put her hands over her stomach. "I still think about them in my baby bounce lounge, how they would move around and kick. BEFORE you get any bright ideas, Mama Star's Baby Bounce Lounge is still closed."


Star pondered a minute longer. "Maybe...maybe you should tell me you love me more? I know you do but I don't hear you say it as often as you used too."

He smiled. "I love you. I love who you are. I love seeing you be you. I love the whole package that is you. How you look, how you look at me, how you think, how you think about me, how you care about what is important, how you don't care about what is not important, I love all of it. How you get excited, how you drool when you sleep, how you hug, how you dance, I love you. And if we are being one hundred percent completely honest, I loved how you are jealous and how much air time you got on her before her face hit the wall. I love you."

Star was having a hard time containing a grin. Marco just continued. "As a matter of fact if I could get closer to you right now I'd be showing you how much I love you but I'm sleeping on the sofa at the other end of the room."

She began tapping her chin. "That was a good start. But there is still one other thing. I'm glad you came back to the room but you've always-always been respectful when I've said no to anything. Why did you come back, that's not like you?"

He laid back on the bed. "About that, the hotel is full and since you got back they blocked off the streets for the monster rights protesters. It took me over an hour just to get here from the museum. Sitting on the sofa seemed like the only good option. I was trying to stay up all night so I wouldn't interrupt your dream but you know I've never been good at doing that."

"Alright, apology accepted and I'm sorry too. I love you."

"Her face into that smiling buddha, that was perfect."

"I did get her pretty good. But enough of that." Star turned back to look out the window. "I hope the protesters stay safe out there. I wanted us to join them tonight but I was too upset by what happened. So Mr. Diaz, now that you are here what do you want to dream about tonight? It better NOT be about going back to the museum to look at nude statues!"

Marco laughed. "No. I was thinking more..."

An explosion penetrated their dream followed by a shock wave that jostled them. They were now awake.

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