Intro; first day of school

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Tris' pov:
Beep Beep Beep. My alarm pounds in my ears, wow thanks alarm. I grab my phone off of its charger and scroll through Instagram, looking at the pictures Christina posted from her partly last night. I didn't go because u was mad at half the people there and didn't want to get out of control.
I put my phone in a plastic Baggie and take a shower with the my phone with me, playing off some music.
Classic by; MKTO
When I finish my shower I put in some lotion, underwear, and a bra. I go to my closet that Christina stocked a few weeks ago with new, and better, clothes. I decide on a simple black tank top with a neon pink shirt that says "I do what I want" in black lettering. I slip in some black skinny jeans and a black pair of Jordan's.
I climb into my black Mercedes and drive to Christina's and pick her up. Then we go to school.

Can I just say that my school has the best lunches! Well today's is good at least. Next class is music and then P.E. After that is English. Our last period is power period. It's do cool, we all introduce ourselves then we show off our powers then we get to play with our powers. And other peoples. Most people have 2-3 I have 9 last time I counted. Yup 9 different powers which consist of:
Telepathy (I can move stuff)
Ice/ snow
Stretching ability
Mind control (control people)
Mind reading (one if my favorites)
And my personal favorite: fire
After music we head across the school to P.E. and get there with plenty if time to spare. I walk into the girls locker room and change into a crop top with booty shorts. When I walk out everyone whistles and I form one of my beautiful fire balls, taking all I am not to release it and see them run.
"Line up!" Coach Max yells from across the gym. Gradually he walks over to us without a smile or a frown. A blank face. I can't read his mind either. "Mind reader," he says looking at me, "I have a block stop trying." He finishes. "Why would I want to read an old mans mind, that clearly has a block, when all I have to do is choose one of them?" I say gesturing to my fellow freaks. Some huff obviously offended. I smile. "Okay, whatever. I want you to go first." He says still looking at me. "Take a picture it last longer." I tell one of the boys I pass as I go up to the front.
"My name is Tris. I have 9 'gifts', telepathy, ice/snow, mind reader, mind controller, water movement, strength, teleportation, I'm a stretcher, and fire. You've already seen the last one." I say. Everyone looks at me, jaws to the ground as I list them off and show them off. "Before we continue I want the two hotheads in the arena, fighting with only their power of fire." Coach Max says. And I step up to the arena, knowing I'm one of those hotheads. When I see Four stepping up into the arena I laugh. "He's my opponent?" I say holding my stomach. He smirks, and shoots me a mind text. You can "text" back and forth from mind to mind with anybody if you want to.
Four: I'm a healer. Fire doesn't bother me, no matter the force. I always win.
Me: might want to change that in the most skilled hothead ever. Plus the fact I've never lost either. Also I'm a water and ice. I set off cold at all times, the strongest clod, so it'll freeze before it gets to me.
Four: watch your hair.
Me: what?
Four: your hair. It's, um, floating.
I run to Christina and pull out her pocket mirror, always has one, and hold it with my telepathic ability at the back of my head. he wasn't kidding my hair really is floating.
"That's a first" I say under my breath.
I climb back up onto the mat and hold my hands like villains do when they evil laugh. I feel my hair float back down and look behind me and yup it's down. I look back at Four and up shoots a fireball out of my hand and another one in my other. Same happens to him and while he's whirling his arm around I release and BAM he's down on the floor. I shoot 4 more his way hitting him each time in a different spot, then I hit him in the face and his eyes glow with fire.
"She's doomed." I hear one boy whisper to another and he agrees.
"I. Am. Not!!" I scream and both boys look up. I dart toward Four floating hair, glowing fire eyes, fireball palms, the whole mad package. He drops his small smirk and gets ready to defend. But he was too late. I got him.
hope you enjoyed it!! More will come, if you like.
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