Chapter 13: There Again

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Two days later, I sat in class when these two girls were arguing. They were held back from each other.

Annoyed, Ms. Kelin said, "I'm tired of all this fighting and ripping out of the hair! Half of you girls don't even have edges because most of you're too busy snatching them out of each other's head!"

The class giggled and that caused her to sigh, "I don't know where all of this fighting is going to get you all. All it's going to get y'all is baldheaded and lonely." She continued to write on the board as some girls behind me started gossiping about nothing. I rolled my eyes. Amateurs.

After class was over, I went over to a girl that was standing by herself and told her, "Somone told me that Dean was going to try to get back with Ali since he isn't happy with Callie, but he's also trying to bail Gianna out of jail." She covered her mouth and gasped with wide eyes. She scurried off to tell the people who were nearest to her.

As if on cue, Callie and Dean walked the hallways, hand in hand. "Aye Dean, you trying to get back with Ali and Gianna??"

Callie whipped her head in Dean's direction, "Excuse me?? You're trying to get back with her? Why are you trying to get Gianna out of jail?? Since when did you like her? You're with me, you're not leaving me to get back with her, or give that other bitch money, it will be a cold day in hell if I ever see that happen! Do you understand me?!" I noticed she tightened her grip on his hand, causing him to wince.

"I understand," he hissed in pain.

A huge smile crept on her face, "Great, now let's go."

"Damn Dean, you sure have a way with hoes; first Elena, then Ali and Callie, now Gianna? You sure love those thots, don't you?" A group of guys laughed.

"Who are you calling a hoe??" Callie said.

"You," one of them said with no hesitation.

Before she can say anything, Ali walked by without saying anything. It pissed Callie off, so she grabbed her arm.

Ali whirled around and glanced down at Callie's hand on her arm, making her frown, "Don't touch me and I heard what's going on, I don't want Dean, so you need to get off of me." she snatched her arm away from her.

She continued, "Like I said before, I don't have time for little boys like Dean and don't have time for immature females like you," She flipped her hair.

"So you turned in your hoe card?" A girl asked.


"Ali, your hoeness can't get deleted, once a hoe, always a hoe." We laughed.

She glared at the girl and said, "Anyway, I'm on my grown woman shit, I'm going to class." Ali walked away. Callie grabbed onto Dean's hand tighter and dragged him through the crowd. He continued to wince as they navigated through the sea of people. I heard her say, "You're lucky I can't beat Gianna's ass because she's behind bars."

Smirking, I went to lunch and watched Irina sulk in the table next to me. She was talking to a girl, "I really do want him back."

"One minute want him back, then the next, you're with somebody else. You haven't even quit your job and you keep lying about you quitting."

"That's how I make my money."

"You can't work at Wal-Mart?"

She huffed, "No, besides, if you saw the money I made in two hours, you would want to work with me."

"I'm good, anyway, Garrett wouldn't like that."

Irina sighed, "I wish I had what you two had."

"You can, but you can't keep your legs closed, that's your problem."

She gathered her things, "I'm getting him back." She and her friend walked out of the cafeteria.

I went up to a random girl, "I heard Irina was still messing with Kevin."

She told the people in the cafeteria and less than five minutes later, everybody was talking about it.

I walked out and went into the main building. The gossip traveled there too because everyone was talking about it, "Irina is as messy as my little brother's room. How the hell is she gonna try to get back with Tyler, but she's still screwing everybody and their dog??"

Tria was enjoying the gossip as she laughed with her friends. Tyler wasn't by her side, but I assumed he heard the talk that was going around school.

Irina sulked down the hallway and Tria got in front of her, stopping her in her path. Irina glared at her, "What do you want, Trio?"

"It's Tria, like I said, you need to stop trying to get with Tyler because he doesn't want you."

Tria went from the quiet, concerned friend, to the confident, get-in-your-face type. Who's been giving her lessons?

"I will get him back and you will get out of my face," Irina declared.

Tria scoffed, "Good luck with that." She turned to walked away, and called over her shoulder, "besides, we all know you're still a booty call girl." She sauntered down the hallway, leaving Irina with a pissed expression on her face.

Chuckling to myself, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I picked it up. It was the recorded voice, "You have a call from State Prison, will you accept or decline?"


A minute later, her voice answered, "Autumn, how are you?"

I rolled my eyes, "Scarlet, what do you want?"

"I want to tell you that Jett isn't coming out, she didn't want to take the deal, so she'll be in the cell for who knows how long."

"That's what happens when money gets to you."

She agreed, "Yeah, so I'll be seeing you next week."

"I'm so excited," sarcasm dripped from my voice as I held onto my phone tighter.

"Don't act like that, Autumn."

"So, you're making the transition from student to jailbird, now back to student again? This should be fun," I smirked.

"I won't start anything, so don't think you have to have to put up a wall when you're around me."

I scoffed, "I don't?" I rolled my eyes, "Knowing what you did, bitch I have to put up a damn stone castle when you're around. I'm not stupid, Scarlet. You're messing with someone that knows how to pull strings, don't forget that."

She sighed, "How could I forget?"

"Right, remember that," I said.

She huffed, "I have to go."

I hung up and slid the phone back into my pocket. She wasn't fooling me with her 'I've changed' act, I wasn't stupid, I knew how she was. She tried to pull that on me the last time. It didn't work then and it won't work now.

Tattooed Troublemaker AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora