Chappy 9 - I-It Can't Be

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Your eyes began to twitch as you woke up. You could hear only one person in the room and it seemed like the person in the room was waiting for you to wake up. You knew who it was. Your eyes opened quickly happy to see and know who it was. Except, it wasn't them. You really expected to see Tommy waiting but instead you got Splendor. He seemed to be crying for some reason. Also, for some reason, his tears were beautiful. Not in a weird way, but his tears were a spectacular rainbow.

"Splendor?" you whispered quietly. 

Splendor looked up from his hands and had a smile when he saw you. He jumped at you with a big hug.


You didn't know why he was worried so much. It's not like he knew you well. Then again, he could read your mind. You squirmed as you felt bruises beginning to hurt under his grasp that tightened more and more.

"S-Splendor, you're hurting me." you said with your voice trying not to cry out.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I thought you were dead." Splendor said again wiping away his tears.

"I noticed." you said with a chuckle, Splendor looked at the door of your room as it opened.

You turned to see it was LJ. You stood up quickly with your knife to just fall down again. The knife fell on the floor leaving you helpless. Well, not totally helpless, Splenderman was still with you.   

"LJ, if you plan on hurting y/n again, I'd turn back if I were you." Splendor said in an evil spine tingling voice. You didn't know he had it in him to sound so scary.

"Shut up, I just came to tell you that Offender is mad at you for turning his condoms into balloon animals and now he's coming to kill you." LJ said in a upset and offended tone.

Splendor ran away screaming, "IM SORRY, BROTHER, I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" and now you were really helpless this time without Splender by your side.

That's when you noticed how beat up LJ was. He had bruises on his face and an ice pack on his man parts, also bandaids all over cuts you could still see bleeding through. He looked like shit right now, unlike his happy go lucky self. 

"What?" you said still on the floor unable to get up because of the pain in your legs.

Unlike LJ, your bruises were much more visible and painful. Your legs were gashed and bruised tremendously. The bruises were all over your body which caused you to be immobile at the moment.

"Get up." LJ said a bit meanly yet still trying not to be mean.

"Why? I like it down here." you lied not wanting to tell the truth.

"I know you're lying just get up." LJ said taking a step towards you.

"Go away!" you said to him and backed up into your dresser hitting your bruised head.

LJ sighed and walked towards you. You had no where to go so you just waited to in brace the pain that was to come. That was until LJ picked you up very gently. Bridal style, may I presume. You blushed but still spoke with an angered voice.

"I swear if you throw me down the stairs again you're coming with me and I will make sure your neck snaps this time." you threatened

"I'm not idiot. I'm putting you back on the bed. I know you can't get up." LJ said and gently put you back on the bed.

LJ sat on the edge of the bed and looked down with a sad expression. He looked at you with melancholy eyes.

"Look, I'm... Im sorry for what I did. I guess I didn't think it would go that far, I just wanted to take my anger out on you when I slapped you." LJ said looked down again when he was done.

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