Chappy 12 - KIDENYS!!!!!!

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Sorry I unpublished this. I had to do shit with other shit and then shit the shit to shit shits. Now enjoy the shitty story.

You and EJ began to make your way through the woods. Passing by the familiar tree where you first met Slendy. You smile with a little bit of heart break thinking about Tommy. At lest he like it at the Creepypasta's place.

"Do you even know where you're going?" EJ asked with and eyebrow raised.

"Yup." you replied with a lie.

"So... Are you afraid of the woods?" EJ said asking even more questions about you.

"No, the woods are just trees and the trees are just wood so why would I be scared?" You said with a smirk as if teasing him.

EJ chuckles, "Guess you're right."

"I am right, aren't I?" you said. EJ would roll his eyes if he had any, of course.

You both came across a house you've once been to. It was a 2 story house that had four people living inside. You and Tommy were going to go to this house the next day before you met Slendy but then Slendy came along and changed that plan. You stopped walking for a brief moment and decided you would kill the people inside in Tommy's honor. You look at the many windows you could climb through. You decided to go to the only one on the second story.

It was a nice house that was a light blue with the white wood painted windows. You hoped you wouldn't get splinters on the way up. It also had broad walls so it should be easy to get to the second window.

"That house and through that window." you said orderly.

"Sure, if you can make it up there." EJ said in a doubtful voice.

You gave in a smirk and stepped back a few steps. You got in a running stance and ran towards the building quickly and quietly. You grabbed a spot where you could slip your fingers in the broads and pull yourself up. You grabbed the window frame above and opened it since it was unlocked and slipped yourself through easily. You popped your head out the window and smirked at EJ again.

"Hurry up." you whisper shouted.

"I think I'll just lock pick the door, thanks." EJ said and walked away.

"You're no fun." you said and turned your head back inside.

You noticed you were in a room with snoring adults. You put your hand in your pocket and pulled out your trusty knife. You giggled a bit walking towards the parents. The floor creaked loudly. You quickly ducked under the bed just as the wife woke up and looked around the room in question.

"Who's there?" the woman whispered so not to wake her husband, "Isabel? Did you have a nightmare again?"

You quickly crawled to the other side of the bed where the woman was and popped your head up.

"Just me, mommy." you said smiling at her.

The woman screamed as she turned around on the bed and saw you. You covered her mouth but it was to late. The husband woke up and saw you.

"Great." you said and turned to the woman "You deserve a punishment." you said and slit the woman's neck after stabbing her in the arm and leg and twisting it in her wound.

She showed fear in her eyes as she took her final breath and dropped on the bed. Dead. The man yelled his wife's name and then turned to you. He took out a small pistol from under his pillow and pointed it at you. You brought your blood covered knife to your mouth and licked it while smiling at the man. The man fired the pistol but you dogged it going under the bed.

And yes, you always found it a thrilling rush when someone pointed a gun at you. It made your body fill with energy which made your reflexes quick. The man began to get scared and point the gun at the corners of the bed. You popped out quickly at the foot of the bed and ducked down again as he shot another bullet. Then, very very quickly, you popped out of the right side of the bed and stabbed the man in the arm making him dropped the gun. It was a fun game of shoot the Jack in the box.

"You made quite a fuss, didn't you?" you said in a cute voice, "If you wanted to play too all you had to do was ask." you said and stabbed his leg just as you did with his wife and twisted the knife.

He screamed in pain and grabbed his leg with his bloody hand. You stabbed him in the arm and twisted it as well. He grunted in pain. You brought the knife to his throat and slit it just enough to making him choke on his own blood. The man began to cough on his own blood. With the last of his life, he looked at his wife and grabbed her cold lifeless hand.

"Aw." you said and the man turned to you, "It looks like I won the game, huh?" you said and jumped off the bed as the man died.

Your eyes dulled as you stared at the man's blood. You roughly dragged your knife over his stomach. You looked at his organs. You grabbed one and brought it too your lips just as Tommy always had. Your were about to take a bite until you heard a scream from across the hall. You shook your head and put the organs down.

You opened the door to the room and looked around for EJ. You heard crying coming from a closet durning your search. You knew it was a little girl. You got a devious look on your face. You began to breath quickly enough to let the little girl hear you. You opened the door to the closet and looked at the girl with fake fear in your eyes.

"There you are, Isabel! Come with me. Hurry!!" You said to the girl.

The girl opened her arms quickly and you grabbed her. You began to run to an opened door with pink walls inside. You saw EJ picking up a lifeless corpse. The girl screamed and began to cry out, "SISTER, SISTER!"

"Shut up." you said menacingly, "The game is more fun when you play the rules." you said and covered her mouth, making her quiet.

"EJ, look who I found." you said in an almost singing like voice.

EJ turned around and saw you with the little girl. EJ walked toward the door and kneeled down to her level.

"Can I have your kidneys?" EJ asked darkly.

The girl quickly shook her head no with tears streaming down her face and onto your hand that covered her mouth.

"Well, guess what," EJ said "it's Opposite Day." EJ said and killed the girl with a shank to her stomach.

You dropped her corpse on the floor with pink carpet.

"Ok, let's go." you said smiling deviously.

"Hold up, I need her kidneys." EJ said flipping her onto her stomach and beginning to cut her back.

But it looked like you both had to leave early. Sirens could be heard from outside. Your guess was that the gun alarmed people to call the cops.

"Let's go!" you said and grabbed EJ's sweater and pulled him out the window you came from getting one more look at the dead parents.

You jumped out first with no harm done and you began to run back through the woods. EJ followed close behind. When you both made it back to the house panting, you began to laugh.

"That was fun!" you said still panting.

"It was." EJ said "But I didn't get to have all their kidneys!"

"Your fault for taking so long." you said bossingly

"Sorry." EJ said scratching his head "B-BUT THE KIDNEEEEEEEEEYYYYYSSSSS" EJ screamed on his knees very dramatically.

You rolled your eyes and pulled The EJ on his knees inside the house.


I fucked up on the title purposely cuz you know? Kids kidneys. Or kide kidneys. Get it? No?...okay. BUT TILL NEXT STORY


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