Mission begin (1)

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Bakugo P.O.V.

"So get your hero costumes ready, we leave in an hour."

We all had recently been informed that were going to help in a search and rescue. A few hours ago there was a pretty big villain fight but now that it was over,m they need more heros to help with search and rescue.

Everyone seemed to be pretty hyped up about it, I would be lying if I said I wasn't either but I kept my composure.

"Bakugo! You ready to man up and save some people?" Kiri wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled himself closer to me to the point our cheeks were touching.

"Tsk, cut it out Sharks! I gotta go change." I stood up aggressively which made my chair bounce back.

I grabbed my suitcase with my number on it then headed to the locker rooms. There I quickly changed into my costume. I looked at myself in the locker mirror just staring. Through the corner of my eye I saw Kirashima walk behind me, his lips moving quickly.

"-go! Hey! Bak- already!"

"Huh? Sharks did you say something?" His voice sounded fuzzy, I was only able to hear some words.

For a second I felt my heart drop into my ass. But just as bas about to panic his voice reached my ears loud and clear.

"Hey what's wrong? We gotta go, we're gonna leave soon." His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as to why I wasn't responding but once he realized he had gotten my attention he smiled.

"Whatever, let's just go." I nudged past him and went to go meet up with the others. Once we had all gathered together we left. When we arrived at the scene everything looked much worse than it did on TV. Whatever heroes that weren't hurt and could still managed were helping with the search and rescue while the other's who had gotten the worst of it were in the medical section.

My eyes were drifting from one destroyed building to the next. The air was smokey and smelled awful. I was already eager to start. I felt my heart pound in my chest.

"Alright get into groups of three. Tou choose. Hurry. Now go!"

Everyone divided into different groups, people they were familiar with. I just waited until I felt the presence of 4 others. I turned aroun as saw Kirashima, Todoroki, Deku, Denki.

"Alright extras! Let's get going!" I shot my right hand up and moved my middle and index finger in a forward motion.

Just like that we headed off into the debri and smokey air.

Within hours our class was able to find most victims. Thankfully most were alive but we had sadly found a couple who didn't make it.


All five of our heads turned towards to the voice. Within seconds we ran to where the voice was coming from. There was a big crater but half a building covering it.

"Icy hot! Make a ice slide from here to the bottom. Sharks, when we get to the bottom refine the ice and turn it into some stairs."

They all nodded and followed my orders. Icy hot made the ice slide and we all slide down, once we were down Pikachu electrified the ice to make it a bit weaker for Sharks to define it. One the stairs were made we ran over to help the civ's. (civilians)

There were 4 body. Only three were moving.

"H-hey! My arm! I-it's stuck. It got crushed by a rock!" A young lady called out for help once she noticed our siluets.

We all ran to them as we proceeded the situation. We all acted on our own but yet we still stayed in sync. Once all three of them were were free Kiri,Todoroki, and Denki took the threw of them up.

"Hey, we'll stay here with the cadaver! We'll also look for more people if they need more rescues. Just make sure to come back okay!" The three nodded and ran off to go bro off the victim's.

Crack Crack


"Wait hold on, I'm thinking."

"-CHAN! -VE!"

"What did you say damn nerd!? I said I'm thi-"




"What the fuck happened? Huh? Was the building not stabilized?" I look to see where I'm at but it was really fucking dark.

I slowly pull myself up and feel around the walls. We were caned in. I let out a disappointed sigh but I still continue feeling my surroundings.

"Huh, why hasn't the nerd said anything. Deku? Hey, shitty nerd. Where are you?" As I called out to him I realized that my vision was becoming a bit clearer. My eyes were finally readjusted to the darkness.

I kept walking until my foot had hit...a rock. I looked town and saw Deku limp on the floor, his his left side of his head was bleeding and trailing down his neck and into his ear.

Fuck Deku!" I squatted down to the floor and shook his a bit. I tired pulling him up but he was too heavy.

"The fuck? He's not this heavy." I questioned myself as I wondered why I couldn't pick him up. Then when I saw it, it clicked. The nerd pushed me out the way when the building collapsed in the crater. Whatever debri that would have fallen on me fell on him.

His legs were under some heavy peices of building, the only thing really keeping it from crushing his legs was a small beam underneath.

"Okay, this might hurt Deku, just suck it up." I grabbed the nerds waist and got a good hold on him. Once he was secure I put my right hand out and with my left I made a circle with my index and thumb. AP shot.

"I've only got once chance at this. Better not wake up and distract me..." I breathed in and out trying to calm myself down.

Once I was ready I activated my quirk. My hands quickly heated up.

"Alright! AP SHOT!"




As soon as I finished destroying the rubble ontop of Izuku, more were about to fall on us. To hell with that!


Just before the rubble was going to fall on us I quickly jumped out the way, landing about a yard away

Once we were safe I set Deku down and examined him. It's a good thing his bones are stronger now, plus that beam. He only ened up with many a fractured ankle. But he does have a pretty narly head injury.

His body shivered as he layed on the cold floor, makes sense I was cold too. I looked around for anything that could even help us with the cold.

"Of that's right. There's a cadaver somewhere around here." I layed deku against the wall and went to go look for a body.

When I found the body she was surprisingly wrapped in a blanket but something didn't feel right. I hesitantly unwrapped half the blanket around the woman and what I saw almost made me cry and gag a bit.

The woman was a knew mother, she was breastfeeding her baby who was actually still sucking on her breast.

"I'm so sorry about this. I promise I'll get you out of here soon." I sighed regretfully as I unwrapped her and her baby with the blanket.

I gently picked up the mother and the baby and laid them together in a secure space where nothing would fall. Since it was fall I had my winter costume which had a jacket. I took off my jacket and laid it ontop of them.

"I'm so sorry..."

Incoherent loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin